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Thoughts on this girl?

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Okay, so there's this girl that I've been talking to a lot lately. We work together, different shifts. I've heard rumors of her having an interest in me, and I think she's a great girl. She laughs at pretty much every thing I do, remembers a lot of what I say, and is very open with me. SO I know she's interested in me.


The thing is (this might sound ridiculous.. bare with me) a friend of mine knows her as well and tells me she has a boyfriend that lives in Canada. I guess its a long distance relationship. I've talked with her an awful lot, and she's never mentioned him.


So I know this girl is interested in me, but how should I confront her about this? it's an awful silly predicament, but I would respect the fact that she has a long distant boyfriend.


I like her a lot, too. We have a bunch in common, but not sure wether I should make a move. What are you fine people's thoughts on this?


Keep in mind that she is very much GF material. She's a great gal :(

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Go for it man. If it was a strong relationship, she would've mentioned him by now if even by accident. I have been in the same situation before and eventually that guy just faded away. You see what you want, she likes you. Do it.

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