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When his eyes follow you around....

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At a recent dinner event where I played host, I noticed this favorite customer follow me around with his eyes whenever I would walk away. He also kept asking my co-worker if I was ok and told her that he sensed it when I was uptight during the event. My senior Manager congratulated me for a successful dinner event, and mentioned to me that she had a strong feeling that Mr. X likes me. I asked her why she felt that way, and she insisted that she could just tell. What does all this mean? Did Mr. X's behavior represent the behavior of one who is attracted to a member of the opposite sex? Yes, it may sound all highschool-ish, but it's all too puzzling as well. Please advise.

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If he walked up to you right now and said he liked you or was interested, would you recipocate that? Do you want him to like you? I get the feeling that becasue he was watching you, you are a bit creeped out buy it. Personally I wouldn't care for a man eye balling me like that while I was working either. However, if you like the guy then maybe its just his way of trying to tell you he likes you without verbally telling you. See what I'm saying? If you don't like this guy and he were to do it again, maybe say something or tell a friend to say something to him for him to stop.




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If he walked up to you right now and said he liked you or was interested, would you recipocate that? Do you want him to like you? I get the feeling that becasue he was watching you, you are a bit creeped out buy it. Personally I wouldn't care for a man eye balling me like that while I was working either. However, if you like the guy then maybe its just his way of trying to tell you he likes you without verbally telling you. See what I'm saying? If you don't like this guy and he were to do it again, maybe say something or tell a friend to say something to him for him to stop.





Thanks for the reply, JadeStar. No, I am not creeped out by him at all! On the contrary, I am quite thrilled and flattered that he would do just that. My dilemma is what to do next. I guess I also want to get assurance that he indeed likes me, or is it just wishful thinking on my part? Is this a common way for a man to show a woman that he likes her? Why won't he just tell me? What's holding him back?

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ok, you sound like your not a teeny bopper. i cant believe people cant just ask a damn question. hes looking at you. that means he likes you. that means hes interested. do you ever watch someone and think,"wow i really dont like this person but i just have to watch him?" no you dont do you? people watch people they are attracted to. unless they have a booger hanging out of there nose.

now, grow the heck up and ask him out. this is 2006. women can do that now yah know. have some guts and stop acting like your in grade school and talk to him. walk up and say, i noticed you looking at me. i think your interesting. maybe we should talk and get to know each other a little more?"

it aint gonna kill you if hes not interested. a small sting and its over.



ladies, for future referance. 99% of the time. if you talk to a man and ask him out he will probably say yes. start being a little more ascertive. you just might get what you want. it doesnt make you less lady like. just honest.

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oh, and one last thing i forgot to mention, just because a man is looking at you doesnt mean hes a creep. stop doing that!!! should you be cautious in this day and age? absolutely. should you think every guy who likes the way you look is some kind of stalker freak? NO!!!

i need someone to explain to me why women run to the men who are the most dangerous to them. but run away from the men who are harmless? please explain this to me. some jerk who comes up and has every line in the book, says all the right things, comes off like the "bad boy", is there for only one thing. TO TREAT YOU LKE CRAP!! a man who might be a little shy, very sweet and carring. is also there for one thing. and its to be nice to you. GOD FORBID!!! stop chassing *******s and running away from the nice guys. you just might be a little happier.

and yes i sound a little bitter. but when women keep saying one thing and doing the complete opposite it does tend to be a bit confusing.

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