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A girl older than me.

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Hello to everybody!!


Well that's this girl that i've known since i was a kid, because our families are very close. Lately i've started to see her in a different way, lets say it straight i'm crazy for her. The problem is that i'm almost 23 and she is 26, and i think that she sees me more like a brother. So i want to know that if i should take my chanses with her or not, because this could possibly ruin evereything. And if yes wich way should i take.


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Older women??? 23/26 is not a bad ratio at all. If you are getting close it should be easier for you to tell her how you feel. You never know she may feel the same, but I seriously doubt she's would considered you too young if she was attracted to you that ways.


If she looks at you as a brother it basically says she likes you a whole lot but is not physically attractive to you. Unless your really really immature you age should not be a issue.


The only way you are going to find out is to take the plunge and ask her.

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3 years is nothing, I've been with women nearly twice my age

16 & 31


20 & 38

Two great conquests if I do say so myself, it's all about the sideburns, they love the thigh ticklers ;)


A person needs a little madness, else they never dare cut the rope and be free.

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The woman I'm currently kinda seeing (not too serious yet) is 27 and I'm 24. Things are going great between us. So the age isn't really a factor there. The only thing you gotta watch out for is if she only thinks of you as a friend, or if she sees some kind of romantic spark there. Thats tough to see though - as I fell for that a few times.


My suggestion is to just live your life as normal, and if the opportunity presents itself to go to the same place as her, offer to drive down so that you two can talk, and after that you should know whether it's just a friendly thing or a romantic thing.

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