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My first almost relationship... I still have feelings for her

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Well, this may sound rather stupid, but I have absalutly no expirience... So I don't know what to think...


Anyway, I met this girl at my church, she hadn't even noticed I was there for around a half a year, but when she did she instantly started to take notice of me. We eventually got eachother's IMs and talked for about a month. Our convos were great, and I had never looked forward to anything so much. And from what she said, she felt the same, or close to the same way, as we had both stopped talking to other people and just talked to eachother, usually just waiting if one of us wasn't on.


However, after summer came around she had less time to get on, and when she did the convos seemed different. I eventually began thinking that she might not like me any more, so I decided to ask her how she felt about me. She responded by saying somthing along the lines of thinking I'm an awesome guy, better then any other guy she's ever met, but that things just might not work since we didn't see eachother often. (About twice a week if we were lucky, and I have a little while to go till I get my licence.) She also said she didn't want to say anything about thinking it wouldn't work yet because she had hope that it would.


Then I said somthing stupid... (Basically that I might not be able to talk to her for a little while, mainly because I thought it would be awkward, unfortunetally, I didn't say the second part...) And she seemed ~really~ upset, but the next chance I got I fixed things as best I could, and we're still pretty good friends. (At least I think so...) She still sends me signs and likes to be around me from what I can tell, even staired at me without breaking eye contact once, even when I made it with her. She staired at me for multiple minutes too. Unfortunetally, I couldn't hold eye contact with her for long, being shy... And the fact that I was talking with two other people at the time. However, she also seems naturally flirty.


So, anyway, the last time I talked to her she said she didn't know if she still like me or not, and that she's just not interested in any relationships at all, and not just with me. I just want to know weather any of you think she still likes me, or is just trying to let me down easy. I'm having a hard time getting over her, and my gut is guiding me every step of the way, like it's trying to get us closer again. (Making it ~very~ obvious weather I should or shouldn't do somthing, which is quite strange.) I don't know what it is about her, but I know I feel somthing real for her, and I don't know if I should hang on to that. But she's also had bad relationships before, and her mother has as well. So she could just be scared, but I can't be sure.


By the way, she's 14 and I'm 16.

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Admiral Thrawn
So, anyway, the last time I talked to her she said she didn't know if she still like me or not, and that she's just not interested in any relationships at all, and not just with me. I just want to know weather any of you think she still likes me, or is just trying to let me down easy. I'm having a hard time getting over her, and my gut is guiding me every step of the way, like it's trying to get us closer again. (Making it ~very~ obvious weather I should or shouldn't do somthing, which is quite strange.) I don't know what it is about her, but I know I feel somthing real for her, and I don't know if I should hang on to that. But she's also had bad relationships before, and her mother has as well. So she could just be scared, but I can't be sure.


By the way, she's 14 and I'm 16.


It's best not to worry about matters like these, and just go step by step. See how far you can go with her, and that's it.


If it's meant to be, it will all come together somehow, so why worry about it? Take a small vacation from her, and just wait until she contacts you or comes to you.

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