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Take A Look!!!


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Ok I have been working with this girl all summer.

She is a great girl and I heard that she was a little interested in me. Well tonight I saw her out and too the plunge. I started off slow and then we started holding hands and stuff....It was going great. then I didnt see her for a while at the bar. I sent her a message and told her to meet me out back.


I told her that I was interested in her. She didnt say anything back. I was a little drunk but she said that we would talk about it.


She was sitting with me afterwards and then she just left. I didnt see her again.


Now i have to go to work and see her again. I am regretting saying anything to her.


Here is my question.


She was interested in me but after I said that I was interested now she wont even talk to me..... Should I continue to persue her or should I stop^


How am I gonig to go to work? Should I say anything to her? I have her number but that might be too stupid to ask her about it....Should I send her a message or not? Maybe I should just let it goooooo!!

What do you think...she is a cute girl that is smart and beautiful! awwww..w.w.w.w. I messed up i think!!


Help me ladies and gents!

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Yeah, I think you need to cool down, she may have been a little shocked at the suddeness of it. She knows you're interested, so don't bother her, she'll come to you. Keep it cool and friendly and give her a bit of time.

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Yeah, I think you need to cool down, she may have been a little shocked at the suddeness of it. She knows you're interested, so don't bother her, she'll come to you. Keep it cool and friendly and give her a bit of time.


Yeah I agree with this to an extent. But don't keep it so cool that she assumes that you regret what happened. She'll think you're being flakey. If she appears distant, just try to be friendly but not too over-bearing. If she wants to talk... don't avoid it.

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I suggest you GO tell her u wanna talk in private with her..and when the chance comes..appologise for saying anything that may have made her uncomfortable and that u were a little wasted so you didn't mean it that way but you'd like to see her out again because you enjoyed her company..


good luck

keep us on track

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