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Why does death bring out the worse in people?

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About three weeks ago my father was in ICU. He almost died. He has emphysema.


Because of the loss of oxygen he was not coherent. Basically didn't know the date, time type stuff. The doctors said this would eventually pass because he did not have major brain loss.


My father does not have a Power of Attorney, a Notarized Will or anything. So what happens his wonderful family tries to get him to sign things when he is in no position to sign anything. Worse there is a lawyer who was disbarred coming in to see him. He actually brought in a quick deed for my father's home.


Because there was no Power of Attorney me and siblings had all say. We basically had to guard, alert the staff that he was not to sign anything until he was deemed coherent by the physician. The disbarred lawyer got into ICU by representing himself as his attorney. He's in big trouble now. I have charges against him. I was shocked that a disbarred lawyer was still a notary! I put in a complaint to them to.


What is the deal. Can people not make their own livings that they have to try to steal, take advantage of someone incoherent or squabble over inheritances? The concern should of been how is he, when is he coming home.

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A person who is not coherent cannot sign legal documents that can hold up in court. This disbarred lawyer, what is he doing roaming around hospitals with legal documents to be signed??? Sounds weird to me.


You are absolutely correct that all people should make legal provisions in the event they lose the capacity to function properly. These documents are very specific...and someone cannot just take their house away if they are temporarily dysfunctional.


In this particular case, I think the hospital has a supreme duty to keep these types of people out of the building and certainly away from patients. I would send a certified letter to the head of the hospital that you and your family will hold the hospital legally responsible for any problems created by unlawful visitors such as this disbarred attorney...and I hope you prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.


You have no idea just how many people go around making money off the misfortunes of others. There are vermin in the human community just as in the reptile and insect sectors. There are so many people without morals or ethics...I have no idea how they live with themselves.


I do hope your dad gets better soon...and when he's up and running be sure he makes arrangements for the family to be empowered legally in the event this happens again.

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The worst part of all this it was his own mother trying to get him to sign things.


I have not talked to her since. This is not my grandma that is dying. His family by his family I mean his siblings and mom are greedy, groveling people. Who threaten things like I'm going to take you out of the will.


I do not have anything to do with his side of our family because of this. He is home now and we have stressed to him to get his crap together so we don't have to go through this again.


Some think it's morbid but you need to prepare for your death. Especially in regards to who makes health decisions. Do you want a DNR (do not resuscitate) issued or do you want to be put on life support. A family is not going to know these things unless it's discussed. Who is going to take care of your financial matters if you can't write a check to pay your bills?


It's been a horrid summer for me and my siblings dealing with this. Luckily my grandmother took care of everything before she got to a state where she couldn't.

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Sadly, I know this too well. Thankfully, you and your siblings seem to have level heads and were not involved.

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The worst part of all this it was his own mother trying to get him to sign things.


I have not talked to her since. This is not my grandma that is dying. His family by his family I mean his siblings and mom are greedy, groveling people. Who threaten things like I'm going to take you out of the will.


I do not have anything to do with his side of our family because of this. He is home now and we have stressed to him to get his crap together so we don't have to go through this again.


Some think it's morbid but you need to prepare for your death. Especially in regards to who makes health decisions. Do you want a DNR (do not resuscitate) issued or do you want to be put on life support. A family is not going to know these things unless it's discussed. Who is going to take care of your financial matters if you can't write a check to pay your bills?


It's been a horrid summer for me and my siblings dealing with this. Luckily my grandmother took care of everything before she got to a state where she couldn't.



My sympathies as I know first hand what youre going through. Family can often the worst part of a loved one dying. Having seen people get screwed over and been screwed over myself, only idiots do not get their affairs in order via a will/trust etc. and how they want health issues handled. I've watched as my step dad's ex wife basically got a life insurance windfall because he was a mere 5 months short of paying off the alimony when he died.

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It is important to get your affairs in order before you are too ill to handle the process. My Dad is terminally ill and got everything in order recently so we wouldn't have to worry or squabble.

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It's not death that brings out the worst in people per se, it's the fact that the dead person will no longer be needing their money or posessions that brings out the worst in people.


"Love of money is the root of all evil"

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