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another loser guy?

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I am wondering if this guy was on the prowl, or just plainly attracted to me.......


I met him at my new job about 4 months ago. He started on the same day as me with just one other guy. Its a hardware store where they like to hire college girls. The manager at orientation is a younger guy, but hes kind of a creep. I was warned that he is a perve, (thus why they hire pretty/young girls a lot) but I was trying to act polite and sweet.


So This guy is 21 and I am 19, was 18. He is a marine, and he was bragging about the very first day to other guys in front of me. I barely even saw him the 1st month I worked there. I worked in a seperate department, but he would always find me on my breaks and suddenly pop out of isles to say hi to me to me or be out in his car almost like he was waiting for me. But he was always very nice, and I liked our small talk.


I was slowly getting out of abusive relationship at the time....and I brought my bf in there a few times. Once when we were walking out to the parking lot, this guy just so happened cut in front of us and casually hey to us... He took a glance at my bfs fast little sports car (its an evo viii) and then jumps in his loud eclipse, all showing off as he peeled out and sped off.


I am wondering if this guy just saw me as a fun little challenge because, a month or so down the road my emotionally/physically abusive boyfriend and i took a break (basically an ender).... and this guy was still chasing me and just being nice....even tho I was turning him down. The girls I work with were saying he looked too cocky, like he was God's gift to women....but I didn't see it, so I gave him my number.


When he called me, I explained my situation. I told him that I was emotional and not looking for a new bf because of that right away. He told me he had just gotten out of a 4yr with a kid and he was just going to see what happened with us. Well, I am usually the sweet girl with good morals, but somehow this guy talked me in to just using him as a booty call for the time being. My ex had me so f*cked up emotionally that I think I just didn't care.......maybe like I just wanted someone to heal me temperorily, right then and there... like I wouldn't get attached.


Well, I was giving into my ex, and seeing him a few days a week. But I was hooking up with this guy as we were also sort of becoming friends, but keeping it casual at work. He warned me that I should watch out not to fall for him, and he said he "used" to be a man whore. I agreed, I was too emotional.


But then I started talking to him more and more, and told him my stories about my ex (which made him cry once)....He started telling me more about his daughter and the custody fight, etc. I was coming over during the day instead of late at night. He told me I was beautiful with sincerity. He told me he loved me in a text, and I called him on his game (which he liked.) His friends said I was the sweetest and prettiest (hottest) girl they'd seen him with. (keep in mind the 4yr) It was all good, but I was still hesitant.


One night I went over to his place, drunk. I had been fighting on the phone with my ex...and he made me cry...a lot. I tried to hide it, of course. I was doing ok until I overheard a friend of his talking about how the night before he broke the toliet when he was in the bathroom with some girl....... I asked him about it, and he acted genuinely sorry. I wasn't even that upset at first, I was ready to just walk out and say forget him....but then he started "reading" me and saying stuff like "You're really not ok, I can see it in your eyes"...... until all my emotions from the night got me bawling as I sipped off my fifth in his bed. He told me he had fallen for me....and I told him I was sorry but I couldn't trust him, and he couldn't trust me because I knew that he already thought I was a wh*re........and the rest I don't remember.


Well the next day, he told me he meant what he said. I told him I did too, but I don't remember most of it. I do remember telling him "I loved him to death" tho???? So now I no longer work with him, I only get a text here and there from him... and I'm really regretting that night because I feel like he could have been a nice guy....... But my good ole friends say he was just on the prowl, and then took advantage of my emotional state. What do you guys think??? Thank you for reading, I appreciate it!

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He took advantage. Let him go, you ain't missin' nothing.

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He warned me that I should watch out not to fall for him, and he said he "used" to be a man whore. I agreed, I was too emotional.


Well at least he warned you. When guys say stuff like that it's usually true. That should of been a red flag :(

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I don't know.... I feel like he needs the benefit of the doubt. Also you were still seeing your ex. I heed those warnings that he gave you but am I wrong in thinking he moved on from then and he showed a side that went beyond the 'man whore' thing. Perhaps he really was genuine? I'm just a silly romantic.

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One night I went over to his place, drunk. I had been fighting on the phone with my ex...and he made me cry...a lot. I tried to hide it, of course. I was doing ok until I overheard a friend of his talking about how the night before he broke the toliet when he was in the bathroom with some girl....... I asked him about it, and he acted genuinely sorry. I wasn't even that upset at first, I was ready to just walk out and say forget him....but then he started "reading" me and saying stuff like "You're really not ok, I can see it in your eyes"...... until all my emotions from the night got me bawling as I sipped off my fifth in his bed. He told me he had fallen for me....and I told him I was sorry but I couldn't trust him, and he couldn't trust me because I knew that he already thought I was a wh*re........and the rest I don't remember.


I too usually will give people the benefit of the doubt but with the warning and above quote no way no how.


To me he saw the opportunity with her being drunk and emotional and used his man whore side fully. He hasn't made any real efforts since this night.


If he had any real interests in her I think he would of waited until she at least sobered up.

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