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Can you transfer the bacteria from a bladder infection to your partner?

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Can you transfer the bacteria from a bladder infection to your partner? I wen to my gynecologist because I was having lower abdominal pain and weird sharp poking pains. I turned out I have a functional cyst on my left ovary after taking a ultrasound. She did a dip for uti and it was negative but when she did a urine culture it said I did have bacteria and a lower urinary tract infection of some sort. She put me on ammoxicillin for 7 days. The pain was still present.


Its possible I had the infection for two months before I saw the doctor :( I should have gone sooner but would never take the time off work. Well finally a couple of weeks later I went to a CareNow center with same problems asking if they would also do a culture of my urine again to see if still had an infection or if reoccured. The dip again was negative but the culture showed a bacteria. But before he knew the results he put me on cirpo. I was on it for 10 days. & I am still having the symptoms. I am going to try a urologist/gynecologist specialist this week that my doctor recommended, because I was having pains on my right rib around my gallbladder.


The pains have since gone away. But I still want to see this doctor to see why I am having lower abdonimal pains and to see if we can get rid of this infection if I still have it. I'm worried because since I first had the pains it was May - 4 months ago. Even Hydrocodone is not working for the pain and most over the counters haven't been either. The doctor did put me on Yaz birth control to help prevent anymore cysts, but it seems my infection is even causing more pain that the cyst.


Anyways after this long info about it all, I am worried about my partner, I'm not sure if it is possible to transfer the bacteria to him, we have had sex without condoms since I am on birth control and he has performed oral sex. Can he get this bacteria through those acts? And if he did get the bacteria in his system, what symptoms of its presence would he get, so I should warn him, or confront him about the possibility? -Darla

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You can get infections in thousands of different ways. If he has come in contact with your bacteria, his system can either fight it off or he can get sick. Just send him to the doctor if he starts feeling bad. These infections are quite easy to cure if they are caught in time.

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If you find that there is bacteria in your system, it could be wise to abstain from sex until it is cleared up. It's possible that the bacteria developed from a burst cyst (which I used to get frequently. not fun.), and by having sex afterwards forced the bacteria further up into your system and thus developing a uti or something similar.


Even if that's not the case, if all isn't well in your lower regions, it's better not to mess with it until you know exactly what's wrong and how it should be dealt with. Your personal health is more important than any amount of sex.


Good luck, girlie.

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thanks yall, hopefully this week I can get in to see that urologist/gynecologist they want my lab reports and everything and so i have three different doctors I have been I have to fill out release forms for all GRRR but anyways its worth it I want to get better -Darla

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