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where did that come from?

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Hi. My boyfriend and I had a weird night the other night, when I found out that he had had blow jobs before he met me. This came as a surprise to me because up until this point I had thought he was a complete virgin, and he never did anything to inform me otherwise, and the only reason it came up was because I asked him if he thought oral sex was really sex. So basically I was shocked and was admittedly acting a little weird and unapproachable. So then he went on his computer and basically ignored me, and then went to bed without saying goodnight which really made me upset so I dedided to try to talk it out with him.


So as were talking it out he says that part of the reason he was upset was because I shouldn't judge him about his past, which I get, and then goes on to say that it was also because I subtley make him feel awkward talking to or hanging out with his friends who are girls. This is ridiculous though, bc I've only told him of one of his friends that I don't like but never even said that he couldn't hang out with her. I just said I feel uncomfortable around her bc she is very rude to me, for example completely ignoring me while she's giving my boyfiriend an over the top hello and hug right next to me ( she has also done this to my best friend with her b/f).


All of his other friends who are girls, I have never had a problem with and I've never said anything or acted in any way for him to believe that, so I was very confused and hurt by this because I think I've done a very good job of not being a jealous or controlling girlfriend. Even anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. thanks.

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