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Ive come to realise something!!

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Hey guys,


Only recently have i began to realise that the person for me has been there all along. Although, there are some problems.


This might become long but we have a big history.


A long long time ago she used to like me but at the time i didnt. She thought the world of me and one night she asked to talk to me outside. Once there words were exchanged and i pretty much told her to go away, and leave me alone!


We didnt speak for awhile after that. We both grew up, i was at uni and so was she. While there i met someone who shortly after left me. And to my surprise there she was. She came back and comforted me and gave me a shoulder to cry on. She listen, she did everything she could to help. Rang me etc... Then, no long after that i met someone else again, and i cut her out, complete NC. We saw eachother at functions/parties. Swapped the odd hello, how are you!. Just over 2 years past, and the girl i had met back then left me also for reasons which i believe were because the relationship got old. Anyways, during that time she had also started seeing someone, which didnt work out. It was her first BF. Anyways, only a week after the break up she rang me up and asked if we could meet up somewhere.


We did, and she said that she had to ask me something. She asked why i had stopped talking to her. Did she do something wrong. She felt she had gained her best friend after my first breakup at uni only to lose it again. When she was talking it hit me what i had been doing and how i had been treating her and i said soooo many sorries! She forgave me, but warned me that if it happens again thats it.


So we started talking again, we went out to watch a movie. She would ring me at 11pm at night and we would talk until 2-3am in the morning. We would talk about my breakup, and about her breakup. She had broken up 4 months back but was still feeling the pain of the break up. I gave her someone that would listen, and i gave her my advice over and over. The contact kept on coming. We were back to how we used to be. I always made her laugh and we were generally good friends.


While we were talking i started to realise what i had infront of me. We both liked the same music, the same tv shows, the same movies. We just seem to get along well together.


Its only been 1 and 1/2 months since my ex left me, and i know its still fresh but i just feel like im completely over her already. I dont know why. Even when my ex sms' me i dont feel anything. I dont know what to do, i dont know if what im feeling is because of my recent breakup or if its me finally realising.


She told me while we were talking recently that her feelings were different than back then, and that shes grown up. I told her i had as well. We have started to go other like the other day she invited me to a club, which i hadnt been to in ages. Which i had a fun night at!


There is soo much to explain but im trying to keep it short. Anyways i dont know what is going on. Last night on the phone we spoke for about 3-4 hours about anything really. Life, etc... At one point she said that she must admit that she found it really hard seeing me with my current ex. I was shocked... But then she told me that she got over it.


Like i said, i feel as though even after everything thats happened, shes always been there for me. And for example my recent break up, why would she after 2 years ring me now to ask me that question??


I'm really starting to become fond of her, but i feel our past will not allow it to go any further. Also, she prolly does think differently of me now.


Your thoughts?

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I just thought i would let you guys know whats happened since this.


I took a chance last monday, and told her i like her.


3 days later i was hugging her, 4 days later holding her hand, 7 days later kissing her.


Take a chance, regret is much worse than rejection.

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