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Can trying to concieve caused marriage troubles?

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I am having some tension in my marriage and was talking to a friend about it today and she mentioned that she knew I started trying to get pregnant in january. It never dawned on me that that could be causing tension between us until she mentioned it, then a lightbulb went on. Has anyone ever had relationship issues over trying to have a baby. He seems to feel like I am, either not trying hard enough, or may even feel less manly because I am not pregnant yet. Anyone have a similar situation? It seems to be affecting us emotionally and sexually??? HELP

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Yes, it can cause problems. In our case, sex became a way to "make a baby" instead of express love and affection.


Don't let sex become a "chore." For that matter, don't try to concieve, just stop trying not to. Give it time, if you're not pregnant in a year or two, both see a doctor.

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