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Hi everyone, I have a friend who has a girlfriend that acts funny around him all the time and he could never figure out why until yesterday.

He asked her if she ever had any boyfriends or dated anyone and she said NO!!!!!!

She is 24 years old, is attractive, and goes to clubs sometimes on the weekends. Also very family oriented and cancels on dates at the last minute.


She never had the urge to pursue a relationship.

When I heard this story, the first think that came to my mind was Psycho!!!!

What woman as old as she is, never had a relationship with a guy? How could this happen if she is hot?

Is that possibe? Is this normal?

Is it me or is it a conspiracy?


What do you guys/gals think?

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I think there's nothing wierd about it and she's certainly not a psycho. It's not really your business to decide who should get into relationships when.

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I am a 25-year-old female who had never been in a relationship, mostly by choice. All through high school, I wasn't interested in guys and never felt a need to be in a relationship. Since then, I mostly just have not felt ready to be in a relationship. Within the 1-2 years I have, but only after developing feeling for one guy friend in particular. --Sighs and Shrugs-- I'm not just interested in dating for the sake of dating.


Even though many people are surprised when they find out I've never had a boyfriend, I'm sure they're a lot more poeple out there similiar me- like your friend's girlfriend!


So, I can relate to your friend's girlfriend. She's not necessarily weird, maybe she's just at a different point in her life or has a different outlook on dating.


But I'd say be nice, and try not to make her feel any more awkward than she already is about the whole situation. Maybe soon she'll "settle in" and you won't know the difference?

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To add to my previous post (I can relate to her)


I forgot to say that I've been referred to as "hot" or "attractive," been approached, been catcalled, been whistled at, and all jazz before. Some guy even had the nerve to follow me in his car in a parking lot once! (Guys, please do not do this as it screams "stalker".) And no, I don't dress slutty or like a hooker.


I wanted to add that in case you discounted my previous post as possibly being from someone "unattractive" and therefore irrelevant.


So again, there are attractive women in their mid- to late 20s who have never been in a relationship. Some of us get late starts, some of us may have other issues; regardless, I would not just to say having never been in a relationship alone makes us weird. :)


Hope that helps.

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