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My boyfriends female best friend

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In a nutshell, here's my story.


*i started dating bf a year ago

*his best friend was a girl, i was cool with that, i thought it was great and unique! i supported the friendship and really cared about his best friend.



*5 months into our relationship, bf and i broke up for three weeks. When my bf and i got back together, his best friend called me and told me not to hurt 'her' brian. Then I got a call from her one day saying "i got a voice mail from brian and he sounded upset, what's going on??"... it turned out he was upset with his dad - nothing to do with me....


*i went to a party with my bf... his best friend was there - at the party, i witnessed him holding his best friends ass while she bent back and chugged a beer between her boobs. he thought it was ok because they were best friends and had been for years. ummmm no it wasn't ok with me.... I let him know my feelings and he said he understood and wouldn't do anything like that again.


*about a week later, his best friend got mad at him for something and tried to get me involved in their spat.

*i told her that if she had a problem with him, it was best to go to him with it.

*next thing i know, she's going around talking crap about me saying that she wants to make me cry? wtf??

*a couple of weeks ago i was talking to my bf on the phone (midnightish)... my bf got a call on the other line (his best friend)... he said he had to go because she was crying about something.... turns out the reason she was crying is because her bf isn't giving her any. My bf told her a little about our sex life (nothing bad, but still) and I feel upset about that... Intimate stuff should stay between him and i only IMO.


Last week, my bf's best friend text messaged me, asking me to forgive her for the **** she talked about me.... I messaged her back saying "I'm not stopping him from being friends with you"


Oh ya... before my bf and i got together... he asked his best friend out but she said no.... When i met my bf... he had a scab on his arm... he had burned her ring into his arm (he feels foolish about that now though)..


It just seems that no matter how I deal with this situattion, I'm going to look like a JEALOUS bitch... I don't know what to do about this.


My bf wants nothing more than me and his best friend to just get along.... Am I so wrong for not trusting her? I know in my heart, I'll never trust her again... I love him and I know he loves me.... I want to make him happy but being friends with his best female friend is too much to ask of me... Do I need to relax and give her another chance?? ugh


It hurts like hell when he tells me he loves me more than life itself... then he talks about his 'best friend' ..... makes me wonder.... shoudln't I be his best friend? Help me out here... I'm so confused... :-(

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