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why is he acting this way?

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My boyfriend is always asking me who is calling me and if he calls me and it goes to voicemail hell call the house and doesnt say hey or what are you up to. He says who are you talking to, when i called your phone it went straight to voicemail. Its starting to bother me. I dont ask who hes talking to. I have nothing to hide but its really annoying.


I also cant talk about any guys that i work with that are my age. (my bf and i have a few years between us) He gets jealous if i mention a guy at work my age and gets made at me if they call me (they only call about work issues).


There is this girl that hes been friends with for 3 years and when she found out we were dating she was mad and acted like a jerk for two months. Cause of the way she acted i dont like her and he knows that. He hasnt seen her since last october and im thinking he went to see her while he went home for the weekend and doesnt want to tell me cause he knows ill be mad and he promised me he'd never see her again only talk to her. Im wondering if hes acting like this because hes hiding something from me and since he is hiding something, he thinks i am. Could that be it? I have asked him and he says he isnt hiding anything. So why is he acting this way then? I hope all this makes sense.

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Your thinking because he's not trusting you and questioning you is like "Why, do you got a guilty conscious?" I use to use that line with my bf sometimes when I get sick of him asking stupid things or giving me the third degree.


Well that mentality gets tiresome so we sat down and really talked about it and he actually told me the reason he gets so jealous, or questions so much is because he is still in disbelief that someone who is as he would put it, so beautiful, caring, loving and compassionate would be with him.


So maybe he just doesn't yet believe that he deserves you. Guys need reassurance sometimes too.

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hes acting this way because he has no confidence. he cant handle the fact that you may have friends. especialy male friends. this is not a good thing. you need to sit down and have a very long ADULT talk. you are both acting like children. this is not the way adults act in a loving relationship. if he cant have the inner confidence to let you live your life away from him. then you need to get out of this right now. trust is the most important thing in a relationship. with his issues theres no way he can have that with you or anyone else. put your foot down and tell him you will not stand for him treating you like that. and if he doesnt stop GET OUT!!!!!! it will only get worse. and it isnt worth it to you to try and fix someone who doesnt want to change.


always remember

"actions speak louder than words"

"what hes does, not what he says, is exactly how he feels"

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Oh the guys arent my friends. I just work with them and have to call them when i have a question or need them to bring stuff to work. I followed my bf all the way out to new jersey from minnesota, but if telling him that he means alot works better then moving for him then thats what ill do. Thanks guys for you help. I geuss i just new i needed to do that but wanted to hear it from someone else.

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well that almost sounds like my husband of a little over a year, he does not want me to even have any thing to do with my own family, he does not like any of my friends and he always wants to know who i talk to and what is goin on.:rolleyes: he wasnt like that when i met him seems he has changed since the wedding, well im not gonna let him stop me from being me, he is sweet and the best thing to happen to me ever, many good things but the few bad are gonna break us

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