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Best friend and boyfriend......

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I moved to GA to MI almost 2 years ago. When I first moved down here I meant a guy named Steve. I moved in with him after a week of knowing him into his dads house. I'm not sure what I was thinking at time but we ended up making it work for a year and a half. During that time we got an apartment together and shortly after one of my friends whom I hadn't knowen that long moved in with us. During the year I would go home to MI to visit my friends and family and they would stay here alone. It was always in the back of my mind that they would be fooling around when I was gone. More so because my friend was very sexually active with several men and my boyfriend had kissed another girl in our apartment when he thought I wasn't looking. Well about six months ago my roommate moved out and on her own. Steve and I still lived together. Things were not working out between us at all so I finally decided to end it about three weeks ago. He moved out and I stayed at the apartment by my self. Well I am supposed to be moving in with my friend in a couple of months. I finally came out and asked her if they have ever done anything and she said no they have never. I still can't help but to wonder though. It is really putting a lot of stress on me. Whatever the answer is good or bad I just want to know and I don't know how to find out for sure. Please help.

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There is no way to know for sure, and you have to realize that. Unless your exBF will say it, you'll never know.


Why are you wasting so much of your time thinking about the possible fling your friend may have had with your ex? You guys are broken up, right?


Or do you think she'll try to hit on your next boyfriend?

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I finally came out and asked her if they have ever done anything and she said no they have never. I still can't help but to wonder though. It is really putting a lot of stress on me.

What is it exactly that is eating you up? Are you feeling like you really can't trust your best friend?


Or are you in some way looking for the answer to why your relationship didn't work out?


I'm guessing the former, but please tell us.

Or do you think she'll try to hit on your next boyfriend?

That's not what friends are for. Better not to jump to conclusions? Or is that naive?? I guess it's time to trust your gut.

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