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warning: long story sorrrryy =)


so i've been dating this guy for a few months now. we've been through pretty much everything you can possibly think of. we met during school a year back, we liked each other but he had a girlfriend. then he stopped talking to me because he felt guilty i guess. then months later i decided to give him a call but he said we couldn't talk because he doesn't want his girlfriend to know. a month later, he called (him and his gf at the time just broke up) wanting to hang out and stuff. i knew that i was gonna be his re-bound but i guess i didn't care because i still liked him alot. then we started dating, but then he broke up with me because he said that he missed his ex. i was devasted of course. a MONTH later, he practically begged my friend to talk to me about giving him a second chance. i was like wtf? ehh next thing you know, we were back together.

there were times that i wanted to end the relationship because i overthink things. i mean i cant help it because he has hurt me so many times already. just last month, i was so close to it. he called and called and texted for 11 hrs straight..a few times every hour. i didn't want to talk to him because everytime we get in an arguement, he always think that he's right just because he has more "experience" with relationships. and he can be a total jackass about it too!

now, the problem. my friend is pretty close to him. and they work together too. but sometimes i feel like i can't trust her just because i know her so well, too well actually. they're both big flirts. they always go swimming together with their kids that they both work with at work. one time he said he didn't want to ask me to go because then the kids wouldn't talk to me. WTF i work with kids too yknow. and other things that makes me wonder why am i even in this relationsip..

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WHAT ON EARTH ARE YO DOING? you answerd your own question with your question. every bit of what you said was negative about him. hes treating you like crap. you dont trust him. everytime you 2 talk its an argument. what on earth are you in this relationship for?

if the picture beside your question is you, you will never have trouble finding men. just go out in public. they will come out of the wordwork. lose this guy. he doesnt deserve you. nuff said.

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