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Since age 8 I've been crazy about her- now I'm going insane.

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Hello everyone,

I posted about 8 months ago about a girl that I have had a crush on since I was 8 years old. I'm 16 right now, and that crush is still going on, and it's becoming unbearable. If I give all the details of my situation it would take forever, so I'll give you the most important parts...

First of all, I need to let you all know that I am mormon. In our church, they teach us that we really shouldn't become serious with anyone until we are closer to the age when it's time to get married. They also teach us that when you are young like me, and you go on a date, it should be a double date. These are good standards to go by because it helps prevent any "problems" that could happen on a date.

I have gone on many double dates with this girl, and I know that we really like each other. But I overheard her mother say that she doesn't want to get serious with anyone yet because she has seen so many other couples break up and then never talk to eachother anymore, and she doesn't want to lose a friend. Not to mention the church standards suggest that the youth don't date exclusively. We have been very good friends for the past couple years, but I like her more than that. I feel stuck because I know that I shouldn't become serious with a girl yet, but at the same time I am so obsessed with her and I don't see how I can possibly give her up.

Whenever I'm not with her, I feel this horrible sick feeling and I try to think up new ways that I can interact with her. But I'm afraid that If I ask her to spend more time with me (which is what I desperately want), then I will appear like I am tring to get serious with her. I respect the church standards, and hers. I don't have to date her steadily- she doesn't have to be my girlfriend. But I at least want to end this pain that has grown inside me over the past year. I haven't flat out told her that I like her, but I'm 100% sure that she knows it. I have tried to be as good to her as I possibly can be. I just hope she knows that I really am trying. I need advice badly- I feel like I'm going insane. Once I heard a quote in the movie Spiderman 2 that said, "If you keep something so complicated as love stored up inside of you, it'll make you sick." I wholeheartedly agree with this quote.


Any help that ANYONE can give me will be GREATLY appreciated. I'm desperate and I don't want to feel anymore pain.


Thanks in advance for saving me from insanity,


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Tell her straight!! No harm done. If she likes you back, she'll tell you right out. If she doesn't only thinks of you as a "friend", then you're out of luck buddy, in which case, remain as "friends", and hopefully one day she'll run of guys to pick from, and choose you.

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Every church has rules/standards, that they want us to go by. But, if your love for her is true, then why should a church condemn it just because you are not a certain age?? On the contrary, your love is a blessing from above. Dont be afraid to let he know how you feel. Because, who knows....... maybe she is hurting inside too, and she is waiting for you to take the first step.

Go ahead....... !!!

But, dont misunderstand me. Im not saying break the church rules/standards. Im just saying you should not hurt, just because you love someone. You should rejoyce. Love is not a sin!!! Love is a blessing.

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