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someone I love

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Okay so my story is sort of a friends with benefits, but mostly for him...He's 40, I'm 30...we met six years ago in person and then started e-mailing, he's always lived far away and then two years ago he moved closer, we got closer...more intimate and everything...I feel in love, oops...and as soon as I did he started pulling away...the best thing used to be just sleeping in each others' arms, and I know he liked it too...but then about a year ago he got weird...he also moved over 4 hours away...he told me once that he "sort of loved me," he's also said that he doesn't feel romantically about me, but I know he's physically attracted to me. He's said that he wants variety, he's also said that he's afraid of hurting me and of being hurt...I believe it all, but is this all there can be to it....is there anyone with any thoughts on how to help someone move in a positive direction, I know you can't change people, I don't want to change him, I just wish he could see the possiblities and not be so afraid. It doesn't just hurt because of the pain I feel, but also because I want him to be happy...




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Some people can't change, no matter how much want them to. In the end it is you who ends up changing to meet their needs. Where does that leave you? You still end up giving too much and them not enough. Try to find a middle ground.

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