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I guess I am in that rare 1% then....

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Ok, I had a FWB for a few months....he had just broken up with a gf and I with my bf. He was literally my shoulder to lean on....he was such a great listener, offered wonderful advice and seemed to geniunely care about me and how I was doing with things....


We couldn't deny that we were attracted to eachother but we decided to take things slow as neither of us wanted to hop back into a relationship so fast....both of us were still healing...so we agreed to start hanging out...we did this for about a week or two and had a lot of fun. On his birthday, I bought him his favourite liquor to take when he went partying with the boys downtown. He looked at it and looked a me and said "There's something I want more than this though" I said "What's that?" He gets a grin on his face and says "A birthday kiss." So then he leans into the car and we kiss...and it was definately a 'whoa' moment. I ended up driving home that night very confused about things...but the kiss was nice.



So then we start hanging out a little more. I thought things would be weird...but they weren't. We goofed around, played Xbox and watched movies like the best of chums...we flirted and played around....but in an innocent sense....kinda like two kids in the schoolyard that pick on eachother because they have crushes...nothing major really...lol


Then one night I was house- sitting for a friend. She was gone for the weekend and asked me to come watch the house and dog. I agreed. She also said I could have someone over if I wanted. I laughed and said "Oh yeah, who would I have over?" She smirks and says "What about *******?" I feel myself blush and just say "Yeah right."


Later that night I was there , bored so I thought "Why not invite him over, I could get him to bring us something to drink and we can watch "Without a Paddle" (a comedy at the time)....so he comes over and we start to drink a little while watching the movie....you know how alcohol aids us in making not the best decisions at times....lol He looks over at me and leans in to kiss me, I let him...and literally as the old clique ' goes (TMI WARNING AHEAD) "one thing led to another" and soon we were going at it like animals. It was pretty intense...really hot. I think we both surprised eachother that night...lol


I guess we really liked it because we kept coming back to eachother after that....we had some good times for sure. We never ruled out that we wouldn't date eventually, just for the time being all we was going to do is have fun and let things go where they do without pressure. Neither of us wanted a relationship at that time.


I was happy with things and actually it was him that wanted more...I guess I hurt him when I said no....I didn't mean anything by it...I was still into my ex. Sure I was glad that things were over with him, but in a small way I still loved him...I had to be fair to my friend and was honest with him....he got angry and didn't talk to me for the longest while.


During this time, I had learned to put my issues aside and I wanted to try my hand at love again...so I started to date someone, a wonderful guy (whom I am still with now)...I never considered my former FWB as an option because 1) He didn't like me much (or so I thought) and 2) I heard through the grape vine that he was thinking of going back to his ex (which wasn't true, but how was I supposed to know different?).


He gets back on shifts (we worked together, thats how we first met actually)...so he's around me lately. We've spent a bit talking about things, and the "intense" times we shared do come up from time to time. He says there's no girl like me to him...he thinks I have the perfect personality for a girl and that he thinks I am beautiful. He asks me if things dont work out with my current guy to please think about him. We have hung out after work and the "tension" is still there between us, but I am not a cheater so I quickly remove myself from those situations.


I do find myself wondering "what if" about him now. I am a bit confused because I just assumed we'd have our fun and move on. I was okay with that. For once, the girl in the FWB is the one to stay grounded...lol Only he has to shake that all up...He's pretty hot too, so he can have just about any girl he wants...but for some reason he wants me. I just don't know what to do...Should I take a chance on something thats statistically proven to fail anyway? Or should I stay where I am pretty happy and continue in the relationship I am in? Me and my FWB did care for eachother and did share a connection, not to mention the sex was HOT. Is that enough though? My instinct is telling me no, its not. When he walks in sometimes wearing a certain pair of jeans...I admit, I do want him...but its not in the love since...just lust...lol ugh...I am sooo bad.


Should I sever all ties with my former FWB? I am pretty confused...as this situation never happens with a FWB situation....What do you all think??

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