swirly27 Posted August 10, 2006 Share Posted August 10, 2006 Hi Everyone, I've posted on here before, a couple years ago and it seems I am back again, clueless as ever. I just have to say that if this is a little long, I apologize and I also know though that I can get the most objective points of view here. Ok, so last year I met a guy at a party, a friend of a friend. Whats funny is that it was one of those nights where I didn't even feel like going out, but I did and then met this guy. He asked about me but nothing ever really came of it. He asked my good friend about me a couple other times but she said she didn't think it'd be good to hang with him cause he had gone thru a messy breakup some months back and she didn't want to see me get hurt. BUT....she said it was a shame cause he was such a great guy and she has been friends with him for a long time. So, this past summer, we run into him, well she did, and he asked about me again. I didn't see him that night but I saw him the next and long story short, he asked when I'd be out again and he came out the next weekend for my bday. We had been dating ever since and that was about a month and a half ago. I haven't liked a guy in a long time, so I was excited about this and he seemed to be too. I was scared that I liked him cause I was hurt very badly 2 yrs ago. We hung out every weekend and talked all the time. One thing I learned from the VERY BEGINNING was that he could be flaky with phone calls, but I tried not to read too much into it cause I know other friends of his and they say he is like that with everyone and I knew I needed not to read so much into every little thing (but I am quite analytical and that can get the best of me). I was blindsighted two years ago and this time I told myself I wouldn't let that happen again. So sometimes, I would ask what happened to him calling like he said he would. Not sure if that seemed to needy or not, but a couple times it bothered me and it seemed like no big deal. So, 2 weeks ago we were going to hang out on a saturday and no definite times were stated but he told me he'd call me in a couple hours. I sat around for over 4 hrs and I had to call him to see what was up. He apologized because things ran later but I was hurt cause I sat around all night waiting for him - I should have just gone out I know. Thats the really only time we had some pissy-ness between us, well I did. lol So we talked fine the next few days and I invited him to a pigroast. He said he'd love to go.......that was a tues and come that sunday I still had never heard from him!!! I was so upset, I had no clue what was up. It got the best of me and I texted him and he said he'd call me but I wasn't waiting. Obviously this wasn't working out for him and I don't deserve to just be blown off like that - so I called and we talked and he was great on the phone but he said he didn't want to go to the pigroast and felt bad saying that so he just let it go. WTF! I tried to have a great positive talk about how maybe this just isn't working for us and maybe he's not that into this and he can just tell me that....he was like NO NO thats not it at all. He said we could get together the next night and he'd call after work.....well he didn't call till 9pm!!! So, I'm annoyed again cause we are only just dating, but come on. So I have some stuff to get off my chest and he says he'll get a shower and be over....well he never showed. So, I texted him and ended it - said sorry things didn't work out with us and to take care. I never heard anything back and this was this past monday. Soooo....I know how this must sound to everyone else, but oh my goodness, the clicking we had going on, on all levels. I met his friends, he met mine, I even met his parents. So, was it me, was I too needy and he didn't want to be the bad guy and end things? But when I tried to, he said no. The other thing grabbing me is his friends, guys and girls, are completely baffled. They say he talked about me so much and they say this is not the guy they know. Maybe this wasn't a big deal to him since we're only dating but you just don't blow someone off like that - but when we'd talk, I don't know. I feel like I want to say if you guys only knew him, but I know that sounds bogus. My mind cannot focus on anything else right now cause I thought I'd at least get some type of response - there are some other things going on with him I think, but I can't be sure, but I still just feel like worthless because how can you not say SOMETHING - especially when I am a good friend of his friends. My one friend wants to beat him right now for being like this. She knew it might not have worked out with us, but she thought he'd be respectful enough to communicate with me if that happened. I just feel stupid and if I was too needy, then I feel like I messed it up - but I hate games. If I like someone and they like me, then I want to act that way. Ok, again sorry so long. I tend to do that. LOL I'm just tired of getting hurt, so maybe it is something I am doing wrong. I thought this was different though. Link to post Share on other sites
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