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Hey i am first time user to this web site, i am just looking for a little adivse on a situation I have.


My girlfriend and i dated for about several months and then i broke things off with her, and she was devastated. I realized i made a mistake and got her to take me back a few months later, and i love her more than ever. I found out that she had sex when we were apart, and i was a little upset, but i can live with that since we were apart and it was my fault we were apart. Anyway about 2 weeks after we got back together she went to a friends house and alcohol was involved, she cheated on me that nite, but did confess to me the next morning that she only hooked up with someone. When i confornted her about it a month later she told me everything that happened that nite, and i think the reason she cheated in the first place was because she was pretty mad that i dumped her in the first place. Anyway i dont know if i can trust her again, but she has shown me she loves me and she doesnt hang out with the group of people that were a part of that nite, the only time she drinks alcohol any more is when she is with me. I know she loves me and i love her, is it bad that i am having some issues trusting her again

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I understand you love her, but theres more to a relationship than just love, trust is also a big factor. Do you feel that you will always wonder if shes going to do this again? If, so why put yourself through that? Don't just stay with her becasue you love her, stay becasue you feel you have a honest, caring trusting relationship as well. If you feel you don't have that, then its best to move on.





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Do you understand what you have written. Two weeks after you were back in a relationship she has sex with another guy because she was mad at you. Her way of getting back at you when she is mad is to sleep with another guy and put your health at risk for STD's? Open your eyes. If the roles were reversed would your girlfriend accept this excuse from you?

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