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to stop being so jealous and trust my boyfriend

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I can't stand it when my boyfriend talks to other girls and looks at other girls when we are dating and he says he don't. When we first started dating he accidently touch a girl butt and i forgave him. But then like 7 months into our relationship he told me he accidently touch a girl boob. Now he is starting to go to the fair by himself and i can't trust him because he lied to me for 7 months. I dunno if i can ever trust him again. Please help?

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no man "accidently" touches breasts. - or should i say, as an observer, i don't believe it was an accident. obviously there is little trust there for you. talk to him about that and if you can't resolve the issue together, get out of the relationship.

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no man "accidently" touches breasts. - or should i say, as an observer, i don't believe it was an accident. obviously there is little trust there for you. talk to him about that and if you can't resolve the issue together, get out of the relationship.


yh wateva his hand slip! ne way ive got a prob but dnt know how to start one on here ne way i get reli jelous of my bf wen he chats to other girls on msn. i even made up a boy to make him jelous n it nearly ruined r relationship now hes txtin sum girl i dunno y cuz he doesnt know her also his ex gf wnts to get bck wit him bad n i dnt know wat to do i love him a lot we been 2getha 5 months n i wnt dis to last but my jealousy will push him away

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