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i know im just a guest but i have a big problem and its my ex. Me and my ex of five years broke up almost three months ago. Last month i came to get the rest of my things at his place, we talked and it was just pleasant seeing him again but i was fine knowing he had moved on since he broke up with me in the first place. The next day he called me and he said that he missed me and loves me and that he has got together with his other ex and it was a mistake. We hung out since and i even sleep over his house, but the thing is he still has a girlfriend. Its been alomst three weeks and he said he is going to tell her how his feelings for her changed, but he hasnt since she has been driving there and he doesnt have the guts to tell her and have her drive two hours away crying. He also says he cant do it on the phone because he rather do it in person.he says he cant see himself waking up to her and having a future with her, am i being manipulated? The thing is why do i have a strange feeling he is not going to tell her, and im just the other woman at the moment? what do u guys think? i dont know what to do in this situation?

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am i being manipulated?


I think so.


Stop seeing him. Stop sleeping with him. Stop talking to him. His current g/f is two hours away, my bet is that you are conveniently closer.


i dont know what to do in this situation?


Yes you do, you just don't want to do it.

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He's using you as a booty call. Doesn't have enough respect for you to break it off with the other girl??


Have some respect for yourself. Please.

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she has been driving there and he doesnt have the guts to tell her and have her drive two hours away crying. He also says he cant do it on the phone because he rather do it in person


Tell him to drive there and end it if he fears her being or getting into a wreck on the way home...


I honestly, as others have said, believe you are a bootycall. You need to take control back over your life and emotions, rather than letting this guy hold all the moves/decisions.


If he doesn't want to be with her, he'd simply let her know. He has his cake, and wants to eat it too - you staying with him is allowing him to do so.

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