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Girlfriend broke up with me cause im camp sometimes

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well basically i have already visited my long distance gf once and it went absolutely amazing. then i visited her again and when i came back she said she was worried i might be gay because i was sometimes camp. i knw i am camp sometimes, sometimes its natural, sometimes i do it to be funny, but i am completely straight. and now she has broken up with me and im heart broken :( what do i do? :(

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Hmm well I guess she wasn't confortable having a boyfriend who acts gay.

You can either:

A) Talk to her, tell her basically the same thing you said here: That you sometimes act gay to be funny, or are that way naturally but are completely straight. From there, you can either ask her to accept that, or tell her that you realize it makes her uncomfortable and stop acting that way (which, if that's who you are, I don't think it's a good idea).




B) Realize that's a part of your personality and find someone who is confident enough to be with a boyfriend who acts 'camp'.

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I don't think that's the best way to go about it, when she says something like that just say, "I'm not gay, but if you want to break up over it check ya later"


I don't think that's the real reason she is breaking up with you. But it doesn't matter, I'm a believer in the

"if you don't want to be with me, good riddance" state of mind . . .

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