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OmG what have I done? psycho me


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burning 4 revenge


EXACTLY! I've been thinking the same thing. Might as well get paid for it, Ariadne.


Well, I've thought about that. But then I get grandpa!




That's well adjusted

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Yeah yeah yeah...


You guys are jealous...





Yes, I admit, I am utterly jealous. Jealous that I am not some bottlestore guy's 1am bootycall. Jealous that I don't have an addictive personality. Jealous that I don't need a man to feel (temporarily) happy. I am very very jealous. :lmao:

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Touche: yes, this thread has been ridiculous. Re-reading it all wore me out. Can't believe all the drama that has occurred in such a short amount of time. I am truly exhausted. Have now been spending a lot of time by myself thinking - and not about men as much as I am about my career and what I want do with my life.


I'm proud of ya, DS.....


Yes, maybe some things in this thread have gotten out of control, but it looks like you learned something from it, too.


You'll turn out just fine. :)


I can feel it.


Wait, I can't. I'm hungover. lol


After last night, you aint the only DS around here. haha


Love you DS1 :)




Oh wow...11:30...the bar's open... hmm...

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Hi guys,




Well, I decided to stay clear of that liquor store.


Now that a day or so has passed, the bruises started to show and I have them "all over the place" even in my arms.


I don't like it.


This guy was crazy the first time, more crazy the second time, and I'm afraid if I'm with him a third time (or in a bed) he is going to brutalize me. That guy spells trouble, the kind of guy that would beat you up even.


Second concern, since he is so attractive, has a big dik, and knows how to turn on the charm when he wants to, I could have a big crush on him and be at his mercy emotionally. I've managed to stay clear of that with other lovers of mine, but this guy is like being enslaved by the devil.


And since I'd have to go to the liquor because he didn't ask for the phone, is like I'm asking for it.


Sooo.... I'll do my best. I'll try. I know I know, I'm pretty weak for guys, and I wanted a lover, but this one is pretty much on the freak scale.


Wish me luck,



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Hi guys,


So, I talked to the fwb guy since he is Israeli asking him for his point of view on this Arab guy...


He said that he is positive the guy is going to beat me up. Absolutely. To "never" bring him to the house. That he is going to get rougher every time, rape me and might even choke me. That I'm taking my life in my hands. And, that he might even show up with another guy.


So, that's what I'm exposing myself with that guy, and he even commented that since I'm a nice girl, I might even feel lonely one night and go there, because in a way I liked it.


So, what a situation I got myself into now. :confused:


Of course, I think he (Arab) does it because he totally doesn't respect me and thinks I'm a whre... so that's what I get. That was my theory on this, but I wanted to check the the fwb if it was just that or that's the way they are. He said it's both.


I asked him, what if he starts to get to know me and like me? No, it won't make any difference. Ack.


Ahh... I don't want to go to the liquor... noooooo.....



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You don't need luck. Just exercise your free will for crying out loud, and just don't go there anymore!


I've never even heard of getting bruises from sex. What did he do to you? Did he punch you and hit you? Did he call you names?


Please don't stick around to find out how much worse this guy can get. He already has no respect for you and probably doesn't even see you as a human being with feelings. I don't want to have to read about you in the newspapers, Ariadne. PLEASE, stay away from this sleaze bag!

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Thanks so much...


Just exercise your free will for crying out loud, and just don't go there anymore!


I know, but I don't know how to explain it...There is something very seductive about him. If you read the way he talked to me you might get a sense of that. He is like a man in control.


And when he saw me he didn't even smile, he just picked me up in the air, put me down and looked at me like a tiger to a prey, got in the car and well...


I've never even heard of getting bruises from sex. What did he do to you? Did he punch you and hit you? Did he call you names?


No, he didn't call me any names, actually, I'd say he was very nice to me. The bruises were because he sucked me so hard. So I have them all over the inside of the tighs, breasts, etc. I know, he is rough alright.


But the thing is I can see that he gets whacko, so, it'd only get worse.


Argh..... but I'll end up in the hospital I think with that nutcase.


So tonight I'm going to see the fwb, he asked me over and I asked him if he'd be nice, he said of course, I warned him about the bruises though.





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I just can't relate to the whole tiger/prey thing. He doesn't even smile, no conversation, just picks you up and throws you in the car. It's so animalistic. Hell, I like that once in a while myself but not with a stranger!:sick:


I don't know how you can just sleep with these different guys who don't even really care about you. I'd rather be alone. I'm quite sure you can do better even as crazy as you say you are!


I wish you'd get rid of these clowns and at least TRY to have a life. A better life than this. The road you're currently on leads nowhere but to disappointment and loss of self-worth.

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It's so animalistic.


Yep. But then we talked a lot too. We had a nice chat, heck, we were there for like four hours.


I don't know how you can just sleep with these different guys who don't even really care about you.


Well, I want a soulmate like you have but see what happened with the Denver guy. It all went to hell. And those things are "very" hard to find.


And I can't help to love sex. That is an interest of mine. One of the few.


I wish you'd get rid of these clowns and at least TRY to have a life. A better life than this.


Yeah, we went over that with the purpose finding, etc. I don't know what to do. But at least I'll find a job I think...



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Ariadne, you're not going to find your soulmate by sleeping around with these losers. They will erode your self-esteem and self-worth even more than they already are. It's just not conducive to finding that special guy. It's not.


You're not going to find that guy if you keep settling for these losers in the meantime. He's not going to come riding in on a white horse and rescue you.


And you should stop using Denver guy as an example. He wasn't ever your soulmate since the feelings you had for him weren't reciprocal. Don't you see that?


Hey, maybe you'll find your guy at your new job! You never know. And don't tell him about liquor guy or FWB guy or Denver guy either!

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They will erode your self-esteem and self-worth even more than they already are. It's just not conducive to finding that special guy.


Well, I think that self-esteem and self-worth are independent of whatever you do with your p. I have my own ideas for those, but I won't bore you with that.


I'd like to find someone, but given that I'm not working and I don't like anything (but sex and exercising and eating and reading). What kind of profile am I going to have? I don't know what guy would want to date me.


Plus, I feel like I should lose some 20 pounds too, since guys like Paris Hilton look alikes.


And you should stop using Denver guy as an example. He wasn't ever your soulmate since the feelings you had for him weren't reciprocal. Don't you see that?


Yeah, I really thought he was my soulmate in the sense that we were very much the same. But, he thinks he is someone else's soulmate so yeah, nothing I can do about that.


Hey, maybe you'll find your guy at your new job! You never know.


That's what my mother told me in my other job and I almost got a sexual harassment on file :( But, either that or back to the liquor guy, cable guy or one of those...


Is ok Touche, I really enjoy talking to you, I think you are really cool. (And you are my inspiration with your soulmate story :love: )



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Sorry, but I couldn't disagree more. Self-esteem and self-worth ARE tied to what you do with your body and who you give it to. Your "P" isn't a separate entity you know. Just something to think about. And you wouldn't bore me at all with your views on that at all. I'd love to hear them. Maybe start a separate thread on this topic?


There are guys who would want to date you. Good guys. Your profile isn't as bad as you make it out to be I'm sure. Lots of guys also love sex, exercesizing, eating and reading!


Not all guys like rail thin women...trust me on that one!


And thanks for saying I'm an inspiration but if I am and I tell you that going with the liquor guy or the cable guy or just WHOEVER is NOT the way to go, then maybe you should take heed.


And I dated a LOT of the wrong guys before I found my ONE. Oh, gosh...lots of mismatches. Don't even ask.


I enjoy talking to you to Ariadne. You sure are a different character but I get SO frustrated with you! Look at Molly, she's REALLY trying to change directions with her life. You should to. You can do it!

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Self-esteem and self-worth... you wouldn't bore me at all with your views on that at all. I'd love to hear them.


Well, briefly, I tell you what I think someone that has no self esteem is like. Someone that is defensive and has to justify her actions, someone that can't think for herself, someone that can't say no, someone that is affected personally by what goes on around her, someone that takes offense from other people, someone that gets angry. Someone who is not strong.


I'd say that a girl with no self esteem would have sex and give her body to someone she doesn't want to be with, for whatever the reason.


Not all guys like rail thin women...trust me on that one!


Well..... maybe... but I'd still like to lose some weight. I feel out of shape now.


And I dated a LOT of the wrong guys before I found my ONE. Oh, gosh...lots of mismatches. Don't even ask.


Oh I believe that, you got so lucky there...


I get SO frustrated with you!


Well, I get that a lot too.


Hugs to you,



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You don't need luck. Just exercise your free will for crying out loud, and just don't go there anymore!


I agree!!!!


I've never even heard of getting bruises from sex. What did he do to you? Did he punch you and hit you? Did he call you names?


Okay, here, in a healthy relationship, don't knock bruises till u have tried them :o. My EX and I, we had a really healthy, mutually respectful sex life. But we we were kinda kinky :o. I have 7 bras that he ripped off of me, and I liked it. I have woken up with bruises, but it was always mutually beneficial. Hell!!! Its part why I can't get over this man. We even had a (safe) word. On those rough days (no fight), it would be so hot. First round making love, second pounding erm.. from behind, third round, throwing me against the wall, I am 5'5 he is 6'2.... carpet burns, shoulders hurting from being hoisted up on the wall... lawd have mercy........ :laugh::D. Woooooooooow..... Spanking, face slapping (both of us) depends on who's underneath...... eff it, am torturing myself.... *****fanning myself*****. Not to mention bruises from slipping in the shower :laugh:. I need to stop before I call that man...........


Please don't stick around to find out how much worse this guy can get. He already has no respect for you and probably doesn't even see you as a human being with feelings. I don't want to have to read about you in the newspapers, Ariadne. PLEASE, stay away from this sleaze bag!


I agree with you here, can't add more, horny as hell, I just had to do that to myself :D

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Phew...whoa! I think I need a cold shower after that one Jaded! YOWZA!


Ok..I need to compose myself now...what was I going to say now? Crap...I can't remember! Have to go find hubby now!:p I'm sure I'll remember it later.


I'll get back to you all on this one....

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Good Lord. I want to be hoisted up a wall!!!! but I could do without being slapped in the face.


Now dammit, D is coming over tomorrow to cook me dinner and it was supposed to be a friendly gathering, no sex involved. but now you got me thinking about all the walls in this house that haven't been initiated yet. lol I can be strong. I can be strong.

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Good Lord. I want to be hoisted up a wall!!!! but I could do without being slapped in the face.


Now dammit, D is coming over tomorrow to cook me dinner and it was supposed to be a friendly gathering, no sex involved. but now you got me thinking about all the walls in this house that haven't been initiated yet. lol I can be strong. I can be strong.



Hahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha. Read that again, got flashbacks..... damnitt!!!! Will need more batteries.




Now where my batteries at???? Damnittt all I want is my freaking batteries!!!! :laugh:

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Phew...whoa! I think I need a cold shower after that one Jaded! YOWZA!


Ok..I need to compose myself now...what was I going to say now? Crap...I can't remember! Have to go find hubby now!:p I'm sure I'll remember it later.


I'll get back to you all on this one....



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


I am so jealous, u have dik on tap. Even lost my lil' black book eins ago

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Just read your post again and am still LMAO @



but now you got me thinking about all the walls in this house that haven't been initiated yet. lol I can be strong. I can be strong.

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Good Lord. I want to be hoisted up a wall!!!! but I could do without being slapped in the face.


Now dammit, D is coming over tomorrow to cook me dinner and it was supposed to be a friendly gathering, no sex involved. but now you got me thinking about all the walls in this house that haven't been initiated yet. lol I can be strong. I can be strong.


*looks at broken headboard and sighs, wistfully*


Reaching for the Vaseline,



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I'm tempted....


I'm tempted.......




So nervous, I think that after the gym tonight I'm going to stop by the liquor store. But maybe he'll send me to hell! Oh noo...


And what if he gets mad I was with the Jewish guy last night? Maybe he'll beat me up or not see me again! Nooooo....



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Hi guys,


If anyone is interested in my story, here is an email I sent to my friend in Australia (so I don't have to type the whole thing again):




I went there...


He kissed my hand and said, your son, he is handsome.




(I took my son there because he wanted to see him, and he bought a bottle of Coke. But of course I parked in the back and waited for him)


How do you know???


I saw it in his eyes...




No you didn't.


Yes, he bought a bottle of Coca Cola, and that was the first time he's ever been here.




I'm like, yeah he did, how do you know? You have a camera outside......






(My son said, maybe he saw you when you made a turn with the car, he saw you through the glass. I don't think he "saw it in my eyes." That's bs. Hehe... good thing my son is clever. But still, some dumb guy would "never" notice that, that liquor is busy the whole time non stop).


So he told me to meet him at 12 (but after I was there for a while)


I said, I'm afraid of you, you bruised me all over.


But since he was acting like he didn't care that much... I told him, I went to see the Jewish guy last night.


And there his face changed... he got pissed and red but tried to fake cool.


He said, I don't like this. One day you come to me, one day you go to him, what do you want from me?


I like you, but you scare me, you bruised me.


He says, a woman like "you" gets fked like that, some other woman, I'm soft, but with you, that's what you get.




He said, you made the decision yesterday. That's it. You went with him that's it.


So he dumped me!


(Well, in a way I was relieved that I wouldn't have to put up with the massacre)


So I told him, B, come on, and grabbed his hand and kissed it... I tell the truth, I don't lie, so I'm not going to fool you...


You made your decision... yesterday.... that's it.


But you scare me! I think you are going to beat me up ! Are you going to beat me up?


He lowered his head and said no, but I didn't believe him much.


Why would I beat you? Because I went to see the Jewish guy.


Then go to him, go to Colorado...


Well, you scared me and he is nice, he protects me from you.


What did I do to scare you? So I lifted my shirt and showed him, he's like AAAHH, sorry about that, and then he completely changed.


Aaand, told me to see him tonight, at 12, and "with a dress"


Ohhh... now what.... I think he is going to be an ass or some....


Ah, and good thing that guys kept coming in the liquor store when I was there and looked at me with lustful looks, right in front of him (hehe but you know, low lives and drunks go there) and he got mad and told some two guys to go away and pointed the door to them.


So, at least that, I was leaning against the counter.


Then he'd come back and argue some more with me... but, at least he gave in after I showed him the brutality.


Argh, I wish I had the camera here to show you, I'm not kidding....


Well, so I'm drinking the beer I bought there now. I don't care to go drunk, the guy is a beast anyway.


But so cute, he has the most beautiful eyes. He is white, tall, with brown hair, clean cut, hazel eyes, long eyelashes, and a goatee but only in his chin (no mustache)... sigh...


Ok, later you, wish me luck,



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It seems like I was wrong all along.


He was sweet, he was tender, he was not rough, and he was passionate.


I had a great time with him,



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Ariadne, what exactly do you want from the liquor store guy? I think you said that you're okay with whatever happens, but that's just leaving everything up to the guy's control. And from everything you've told us about yourself, that's most likely to end up with you falling for the guy and getting your heart broken because he only sees you as a fk in backseat of your car and not as relationship material.


Don't just settle for whatever you can get. If you want a relationship, you have to respect yourself and not put up with the guy disrespecting you. If you just want a fk, then you need to find something else in your life, stop obssessing over him, and keep dating around. Actually, either way, you need to find something else in your life.


Personally I think you should never see him again, not because he might beat you up, but because this is a seriously unhealthy situation. It's an unhealthy way to start a relationhip, and you don't seem capable of handling these types of "just sex" arrangments (which is not necessarily a bad thing).

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