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Need To Stop Drinking (now)

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hey, basically im 17 and i started drinking like a year ago and since then i have been getting drunk quite alot. Im aware it hurts my girlfriend when i get drunk so i stupidly try to hide it from her, so when she fineds out she ends up even more hurt. A couple of times this year i have gotten so drunk that i have cheated on her twice. She has just found out and we are having some serious problems but she is going to give me another chance because she loves me too much. Well i love her more than anything in the world and i dont want to loose her so i really need help.


How am i going to give something up that ive been doing the whole year. I wanted to quit for ages but i keep failing and dissapointing my gf by promising her to stop. But this time im serious and i am determined to stop drinking. How will i go about doing this. Please help!:(



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I think you should get some help and support.

I don't know how bad your alcohol problem is, but i don't know many people (actually, I know none) that had a real alcohol problem and quit on their own.


I find it strange that someone can cheat or do other things he/she would not otherwise do just because he/she is drunk, but for all I know it could be true.


You are very lucky she is giving you another chance, I hope you'll manage to stay away from alcohol so you won't blow it.

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Yes, try AA. Many people who have drinking problems for WAY longer than one year quit. So that shouldn't be an issue. You're lucky you realize you have a problem this early.


You're one of those people who can't drink normally and should stay away from it. Just take it one day at a time. You seem very mature. It's great that you recognize so early on that you even have this problem.


Please let us know how you're doing. And do look up about AA. There should be regular meetings near where you live. I believe they also have virtual meetings on line.


Good luck!

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...you can learn to get drunk, instead of just enjoying the relaxation from a couple of drinks....sometimes, when you realize that your alcohol behavior is way overboard and if you don't want to stop drinking but do want to stop "problem drinking" ... limit yourself to 2-3 drinks...and know that if you don't stop there....there is a problem.


It's easy to go overboard because there's no police man raiding your house just for booze...


And if you have underlying issues, they always come out when one gets drunk...no question...as far as the cheating thing...that's alcohol breaking down your levels of being...you will do things because alcohol takes off different levels of resistance...


see if this works...

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Don't label him an alcoholic just yet. He's a teen and has little self-control. That's the problem. An easy solution? Talk to your parents. Tell them that you've been drinking constantly and sleeping around and that you feel out of control. They should help you get back on the straight and narrow. That's their job. It just may not be very pleasant for you. Pleasant solutions rarely accomplish anything though.

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That a person is a teenager doesn't mean that he's going to drink to excess every time he drinks. If you don't call a spade a spade, you hide the truth and fail to deal. Kid's an alcoholic, yes, and therefore needs to do something serious to deal with it. Pretending you aren't what you are excuses you from doing something about it. And he needs to do something about it.

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When I was a teenager, I use to drink until I got drunk every time. I didn't know any better. I had no idea about drinking just a little. After enough of the drinking/spinning/vomit episodes, I smartened up, but I did use to think it was the way you were suppose to drink. :o


Try and quit on your own. Just stop. Don't get it. If someone offers it to you, say no. Always have another beverage with you, carry a water bottle or whatever around with you, much more healthy for you, by the way.


If you are unable to say no, then you do need to see someone because it has become a problem for you, and not just a part of being a kid.

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