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How do I deal with him not wanting to be with me?

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In my past I've done things that I am not proud of at all I used to be premiscuious.About 9 months ago I met a guy and he was so cute and thuggish and those two combined really turn me on.He was already involved in a relationship when I met hin(which I found out about very early.Eventually he left her and was entirely with me , since he has displayd to me various bad and hurtful ways that he obtains. He has called me names made me feel like I wasnt worth much at all and worst of all he made me feel like I was lucky to be with him told me things like I'm Out there and I'm to Hott and I get around and I am to smutty for him.


I Love him so much and he says he loves me to.About 5months ago he became involvend with another girl, in the beginning he lied to me about it but eventually it came to the light, later I found out from her that the had been sexual(He told me the opposite). I criued to him and pleaded with him to cut her off and end it all but he refused saying that she was a cool friend and it wasnt sexual anymore, Strictly friends.Since this girl has been in the picture I have been an emotional wreck and I cry everyday . Everytime he leaves I feel incomplete and numb andd outta place like I just wanna crawl under a rock and diminish(No Exaggeration).I know that the way that I love him is dangerous especially because his feelings arent mutual. He tells me that he will never leave me for anyone yet he tells me that he is not ready to be anyones boyfriend and that I am not ladylike enough for him and I am not what he wants in a girl.


I cant help it if I am not a prude, he says that the other girl is just a friend but I feel like I am in constant competition with her and I feel like I am chasing my man awy at the same time.I am addicted to him and I know that it will not work in the end but I feel just wish I would have seen this coming a long time ago.I am so scared of what will happen next between us. What if he really does love me and I leave him, What if I stay and he leaves me for her I will not be able to handle that,but I cant imagine myself without my bestfriend.


I cant see myself surviving without him.It hurts so bad to feel like the one you love unconditiinally doesnt love you the same way. I am losing it day by day and I know I am pushing him away with my feelings and emotions but I dont know what else to do. Now he tells me that I am to emotionally unstable and all I do is cry and break down and that he would rather be friends and I JUST NEED ADVICE I dont wanna leave my man and have to wonder if he is with her or not every minute.

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Cute and thuggish.


Another in the long list of what happens when good women are attracted to "bad boys." Then they're astounded when they don't get treated respectfully.


Seriously... and I don't mean to be flippant here, but... what did you expect?

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I totally understand what you are going through and how you are feeling, but you must realize that he doesn't really love you..he is just playing with your emotions because he knows he can..by you staying with him he knows he has control over you and he is probably loving that..it will be hard for you but you need to leave him and start a new life..to be able to love someone else to the fullest you have to love yourself first and to me it seems like you are down on yourself a little bit..be strong and get the courage to leave him and find someone who will love you and treat you the way you need to be treated..he doesn't really love you

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