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Having feelings for a friend...

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Right now, I have a really good friend who I have been friends with for about 6 years now. But all of a sudden I am starting to have feelings for her, and I don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about her, and I really want to ask her out, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. This is really eating me up inside, and I am about to lose it!


What should I do???

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Once there are feelings, there is no friendship. You will either get her or not. Because if she says no, you don't want to torture yourself around her anymore.

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Right now, I have a really good friend who I have been friends with for about 6 years now. But all of a sudden I am starting to have feelings for her, and I don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about her, and I really want to ask her out, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. This is really eating me up inside, and I am about to lose it!


What should I do???


Can you please help me to understand this....? What happened for it to go from a six year relationship at friends status to your having feelings for her...? What will she react like...? You must know her pretty well by now to know how she's going to react right..?

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I agree with chinook, what kinda age range are we talking about here?

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well the 6 year thing makes a lot of sense, considering that we are both 18 right now. It wasn't until I was 15 that I started dating.


Honestly, I really don't know where these feelings came from. When I broke up with my last gf of about 6 months, she helped me through it. Now all of a sudden I have feelings for her, and whenever we are together, things get awkward. I feel like we both kind of flirt back and forth now, but I am not really sure how she feels...

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Take it slow man, you ain't even through growin' yet. You haven't even experienced life yet and you think you're in love already. I thought the same way at that age but it just isn't so. Tell her you have feelings but don't say love yet. Ask her if she would like to explore those feelings with you.

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