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Is there any kind of test for knowing wether a girl likes u or not.........

Already a friend........


some of the signs mentioned in earlier topics works with me:

1] She seats with her legs crossed moreoften

2] Caught her few times looking at me while in the class, and lecture is going on.

3] Looks towards me and laughs even if somebody other than me cracks a joke.

4] Asks me for the books always and nobody else

5] If she needs help, always calls me.........



But still guy's Iam unsure.......U know 'coz I don't want to lose her friendship.....and as she is GEMINI, its her nature to be frank and open minded..Isn't it?

Need a concrete test for the same other than asking her out.........

Any girl out there for suggetion.........

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There's this one girl I KNOW likes me a lot that I'm kinda seeing right now. She's being cautious so it's nothing serious yet. It's hard to explain all the reasons behind how I know she likes me a lot, but I'll try. This is going to be LOOOOONG!!!


First of all, she's so easy to talk to, and conversation just flows between us when we're together. We talk about anything and everything. She's mentioned her exes and some of the things that went wrong between them, we talked about family stuff, financial happenings, and little things about each other that are important in just getting to know each other.


She asks me to call her tomorrow every time we talk, but doesn't put pressure on me about it. When I do call, we can talk for hours at a time and not get bored. She sometimes calls me if I've tried and can't get a hold of her, or if she was busy and just needs to talk.


She's always asking to do stuff with me - "Let me know about today/tomorrow/tonight - if you're not busy and want to do something", etc. And when I do think of something, she's been game for it everytime. I try to pick stuff that we'd both enjoy, and she's been dropping ideas all the time, as do I to find out her reaction.


When we do go out, she's always mentioning things about people she knows who we might see while we're together, asks my opinion of things, lets me know where she's going if she walks off for a few minutes (and whether she'll be back or wants me to go with her). We sit close, or if standing we are right next to each other with little 'personal space'. It can be not very crowded even and she won't move away if I stand right up behind her - close enough to bump into her frequently and talk without having to yell if the room is loud.


We're always laughing, joking around, being playful with each other, if she notices something funny, out of the ordinary, or even freakish, she'll give me a nudge and subtly motion the direction and we'll both have a laugh or be freaked out by it.


When she looks at me, she usually has a smile, widens her eyes, raises her eyebrows, sometimes rolls her eyes to look up and to the right with with her head pointed in my general direction (that look gets me going - its just really flirtatious to me).


There's so much other stuff - but that's a lot of what I notice. Another thing - IT MAY ACTUALLY BE IN YOUR BEST INTEREST TO GIVE UP! I don't want to discourage you though - just stop trying as hard. WHY? Well, thats because I had tried SO HARD to hook up with each of my many crushes, and never got anything except for another friend. Good friends sometimes, but never anything more...UNTIL I STOPPED TRYING.


I finally basically gave up, and said 'screw it, life's gonna happen how it's gonna happen no matter what I do - no use putting myself through all that grief over nothing' - and just stopped worrying about the unproductive crushes I had. Once I did that - It was the SAME DAY, SAME HOUR that things started to click between me and the girl I'm seeing right now. I just let things happen, and it just came naturally this time, instead of trying to force something that was never going to happen.


So - I hope all goes well for you - and hope this helps out.

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Is there any kind of test for knowing wether a girl likes u or not.........



Yeah, Ask her!

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