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My mother is low down!


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I can't stand my mother. She is pure evil. This is a long story.


Growing up my mother never once told me she loved me, even to this day I haven't heard those words from her. She would always tell me how fat and stupid I was. I think that I'm not that big and I think I'm smart. When I was young I depended on the love from my father. But as I got older, I realized he was a drug addict. I caught hell from him as a teenager because of his hallucinations. I really went through a lot. My mother didn't leave him because she was very money hungry and wanted his paychecks. She saw the way he treated me and did nothing about it. I called the police so many times because he always beat me. When the police came over and saw the bruises, they'd arrest him. But if there were none (basically b/c he got smart and stopped hitting me in my face), he'd use the "Disrespectful child" speech and get off. I remember one time when he threw me around so much that my shirt ripped off. I called the police and when they came my father told them that he didn't touch me and my mom agreed, even though she saw everything that happened. The police told me that my parents could kick me out if they wanted and they should because of how disrespectful I was. All I could do was cry, because I had no one in my corner.


When I turned 19 she got sick of my father's drug use and moved out and started renting. She got the verbal fights with him, I got the physical. Well I have been living with her ever since. I'm 21 years old. I haven't moved out because I love my sister so much and don't want to loose being around her, she's 13. Also, I paid half for some of the furniture in the house, and there is no way she'd let me have it. I can't move into the dorm because I don't have enough loan money to cover that and tuition. She is constantly telling me how I need to leave and get out of her house. She claims she has done so much for me. The only thing she did was put me in a private school, but that in't supposed to make up for the way I was treated at home while attending the private school.


Now she is starting on my sister, caliing my sister fat and stupid. I tell her that at least my father never called us names like that, so she said "Yeah, you didn't say that when he was beating your a**". I told her that I think I'm falling into depression and need to see a doctor, she laughed at me and said "Yeah, go ahead a see a doctor, that will be in your medical history and you won't be able to get a good job". Yesterday she called the police on me because she asked my sister if she was done her summer reading project and mt sister said that she was pretty much done. Then I said that I saw the project and she had two chapters left. SHE WENT CRAZY on me. She kept yelling, "She is my child, she is my child. When I'm talking to her shut up!" I asked her why is she acting like that because I didn't do anything. She flew in her bedroom and said she called the police on me. When they came she completely lied to them. She said that I was screaming and yelling and trying to turn her other daughter against her. The police told me that "I can get my a** out!" They asked her if she wanted them to remove me from the premises, she said no, but she wanted me to know my place. I called my dad to vent and all he is worried about is if she has a boyfriend that she's seeing. I have no one to talk to. I'm in college, I work part time, I don't go out like normal college students because I have to drive her around. She doesn't drive, so I do it. I bring her WHERE EVER she has to go. She wakes me up to tell me bring her here and there, I never complain. I drop her off and pick her up everyday from work. She hates me, I know it. And on top of that, she's a diabetic and at least once a month her sugar drops really low and I have to be there to call the ambulance when she can't wake up or force her to eat when she can't understand anything. I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm falling deeper into my depression and she's making it worse. She is draining me mentally. Everyone thinks she is so perfect, but they don't know what its like behind closed doors.:(

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I really feel for you. I think you need to talk to someone. Don't listen to what your mom says about it being in your medical history and that you won't be able to get a good job--I don't believe that's true. If you are a university student I'm sure they have councellor's at your school who can point you in the right direction. Your mental health is the most important thing at this time. You sound like a very smart and articulate woman. I hope you get help for this sad situation.


All the best.

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I really feel for you. I think you need to talk to someone. Don't listen to what your mom says about it being in your medical history and that you won't be able to get a good job--I don't believe that's true. If you are a university student I'm sure they have councellor's at your school who can point you in the right direction. Your mental health is the most important thing at this time. You sound like a very smart and articulate woman. I hope you get help for this sad situation.


All the best.

Thanks! That means a lot.

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I wonder if there is a way to gain custody of my 13 year old sister when I move out. This environment isn't healthy for her. All day long my mothers been telling my sister that she wants her out of the house and she's sick of her, etc. My sister is just sitting there, crying. My mother won't leave her alone, she keeps telling her that she is going to send her to juvie because she hates being around her. Does anyone know if I get my own place if I could sue for custody of my sister? My mother is slowly driving her into the same depresion she has already driven me into

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This might help, they take free legal questions on lots of topics. You will probably have to speak to a lawyer at some point, also depending on what state you / your sister live in will make a difference. But they will probably be able to tell you what your chances are.



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I can honestly say that I know what you're going through. my mother sent me away when her husband molested me ...I was six years old. I still talk to my mother and if she asks for money" which is the only reason she ever calls me" I send it to her. I didn't see her for most of my life. there were alot of bad experiences in my life but this is not about me. I love my mother..and still strive to gain acceptance from her...No matter what she does she will always be my mother...BUT I will not let her tear me down. I won't let her abuse me anymore. I have found happiness with a wonderful man even though she said no good man will ever want me..we are getting married next june...just so you know happiness is out there. and you will find it. If you feel you need help then seek it. don't let it go so far that you are beyond repair. people talk down to others to make them feel better about themselves. they only find comfort in making others miserable. as far as your sister goes. in most states they prefer that the biological mother keep the child but if she is in danger and is willing to stand up to your mother...not even to her face but in a seperate room...if she will make a testimony I am sure that she could come and live with you..but you will have to build a good case...chose your battles carefully.

best wishes in everything you do.

always remember you deserve the best that life has to offer you.

never let anyone tell you different.

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Kudos to you for caring about your sibling! That says a lot about you as a person. I am the youngest of four and my siblings could care less!


I would get out and then get call the state hotline for your sister. They'll ensure that she gets the help that she needs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi and i feel for you love, hell tht is a bad situation.


Tell me one thing - was your Mom ever happy about herself, as it seemed she tended to take out her frustration out on you and your sister, is it perhaps she is jealous of you both?


Thinking of you.



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