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Moms and 'b*tch fits', how to deal?


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occasionally my mom throws so called b*tch fits and starts arguments with a certain member of the family for no reason. Be it me, my dad, my sister.


She makes a big deal out of nothing, perhaps a small gesture or something you said/did. Then she puts herself as the victim and you're the bad guy.

At least once a month, she'll have an argument with either me or my dad over pointless matter.


Arguing back seems kind of pointless sometimes, it'll just fuel her more to argue. or say nothing at all and give her the right of way letting her to believe she won the argument or is right for arguing, and hoping she'll shutup soon. A lot of times she knows she's arguing over nothing or she's wrong yet she'll cont to argue until she wins. Maybe she's looking for attention or venting, after she's done b*tching she's back to normal.


Just now she started soem argument with my dad and typical as always, I have to be the mediator and tell her to stop arguing over nothing.


By all means shes a great to all of us and all but how does one deal with this every so often?

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Yep it's times like these I'm glad I moved out of home. Seriously though I've come to the conclusion that you can't always help these situations. Haven't you heard? Mother is always right :) The more you argue or try to reason with her the more you are just showing how unreasonable you are. LOL


I talked to my friend's uncle the other day who is 79 and he said right up until his mum died he was in her emotional grip. He still hears her voice today in his head and that's not just coz he's 79!


Seriously the only thing I've done that has helped is move out. You need a physical buffer zone...and screen your calls :)

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Citizen Erased

Yep. The best thing I have ever done was move completely away from my family haha. Stupid B!tches and a!#$@% the lot of them.

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yeah i know. the out of sight out of mind thing.


Should be moving out in a year or 2 when i get out of college and find a real job. But not all the time can one escape from family problems. My mom called my bro in another state to reiterate what had happened the night before.

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At least once a month


There's your answer. :laugh:


When she gets into that "mood" ALL of you lay low. Just stay out of her way, don't DO anything to peeve her off. It'll pass and life will go back to normal...

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