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I'm pregnant - dating less than 2 months

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I have been good friends with my friend, lets call him R for more than 8 years.


Almost one year ago, we got drunk together and we both admitted that we had feelings for each other. It has been a long road until now, I was still getting over a long-term relationship, however he has waited for the year until I was ready for a relationship.


We started dating 'officially' less than 6 weeks ago. So far, it has been great. He really is everything that I dreamed of. We have know each other so long, have been such good friends, everything is very comfortable between us.


But, I am freaking out now. My period was late (never happens) so I took a test, and it came back positive. I have no idea what to do. I know R will stand by me, but I am freaking out. We have been dating less than 2 months and this is something that will totally change our lives. I am not sure that I even want a child at this stage of my life, however I know R will.


Any advice. He is out of town until Friday morning, I don't really want to tell him over the phone.

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Well, ultimately the decision on what to do is yours. But don't leave him completely out of the equation. Talk it through together. Possibly seek some advice from a counselor before you make a final decision.

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