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I think Im falling for my bestfriend.

Ali The EM0 KiD

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Ali The EM0 KiD

Okay, first of all I wanna say thank you for reading this.


My name is Ali and I have a bestfriend named Breana.

She is one of the most amazing people that Ive ever met.

Were basically together all the time.


Everyone says that we would make a good couple.

Hell, people (including my family) thought me and her was together.


We dont really act like were together.

Well sometimes we do just to gross out all the homophobes but that aint the point.


Ive never slept with her though.


But a few nights ago...We was sitting outside looking at the sky.

I had my chin resting on her shoulder.

Then she turned so she was looking right into my eyes.


I almost kissed her.


I dont know what to do.


All my friends tell me that she loves me more than anything and has for a long time.


When I asked them why she never said anything about it, they tell me that its because of how I feel about my ex.


Now to make things short I have an EX named Tiffany.

We was together a year.

She cheated on me with my EX bestfriend Bailey.


We will be broken up 3years in March.


I admit that I never got over her.

And that Ive been in a couple relationships since her but I only did it to try to get over her.



It didnt work to well.

It just seems I cant be in a relationship cause I cant handle it.


But... the awkward thing is last night I was sitting in my room listening to music.


I asked myself what the hell is wrong with me.

I mean here I am chasing a girl that hates me and wants nothing to do with me when all along theres been Breana who has helped me so much with everything and loves me more than anything.



All this is just confusing me and I dont know what to do.

I need advice.


I honestly do love her.

I think Im falling inlove with her.




What the hell do I do?

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Don't ever pass up a chance at love. Contrary to popular belief, it is very hard to find real love so take the chance.

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I agree! I'm sure you have told her all about your feelings for your ex so she knows what she's getting with you. The important thing is that she knows all that and still wants to be with you. Give the girl a chance and see how quickly you will be kicking yourself for wasting all that time on thoughts of your ex.

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