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Hounted past love

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My story goes something like this, I met this guy when I was 19 yrs. old at a club. We click right away and dated soon after, I came to find out he was only stationed at the military base where we met for military school. Therefore after finishing his class (3 months) he got stationed in VA. while I was living in CA. After a couple of months I went to see him and we got engaged. We were engaged for almost 1 1/2 yrs. During this time all we did was write letters to each other (3-4 letters a week) and talk on the phone whenever possible. I went and visited him twice and he came down once. Don't get me wrong he was not a bad person because during that time I knew deep in my heart that he love me. Then one day he wrote me during I guess a very bad day. His hand writing looked very sloppy and I assumed it was written by a girl, make the story short we broke up by letter (never having the formal break-up).


Now I'm 29 yrs. old, Married to a wonderful guy who truly loves me and have a little girl for the past 2 yrs but bf/gr for 5 yrs. (every womens dream the perfect husband, kids, and white picket fence except I don't have the fence =)).The thing is my best friend whom I've known since then, was surfing through the web and found HIM. They spoke for about 30 mins. Then I with my curiosity thinking that my best friend was playing a trick on me called him. Come to find out it was him (My heart drop and felt like I was 19 yrs. old again). He is now married for 7 yrs. with 2 kids. but says that during that time it was between me or her. They've been married for the past 7 yrs. and we have broken up almost 10 yrs. My theory is he was holding on for a while and trying to decide whether to hold on still or move on.


Now that I have spoken to him I don't want to loose him again but I'm afraid that it will cost to much for both of us.


I want to call him so bad but I'm holding my self back...


What to do?????



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Move on. Both of you have lives now and children...It's not fair to open that can of worms.


You were young and in love, both of you made mistakes ... But, it's too late now.


Appreciate what you have in your life, what's infront of you.


If you call him and make arrangements to see him, your life will be ruined. Don't do it, please, let go of him and concentrate on the man you're married to.

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You made your choice to 'forsake all others' when you married. That was your promise to your husband. Honour that promise.

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First of all, I just wanted to say thank you very much for the replies.


I've been thinking about this situation and realize that I was living in the moment. As much as I want him to become my friend, I would rather loose him again then put my FAMILY through hell and this probably goes for both of us.


Just needed to get the excitement out of my system.



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