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I messed up bigtime, I love my wife!!

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She's got doubts, and her emotions are playing on her. You may have to go all the way through the divorce ~ to play it all the way out ~ but now is the time to totally follow the list of 180's.

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She's got doubts, and her emotions are playing on her. You may have to go all the way through the divorce ~ to play it all the way out ~ but now is the time to totally follow the list of 180's.




Gun thank you for your insight and you know I 100% agree, I'm debating on actully starting the divorce my self, but not sure if its is for the right reason. I'm kind of wishy washy about this mess from day to day!!

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wow. i am glad i found this site to because it helps knowing that i was not the only dumbass out there. evertything i did that i thought was right [to repair things] was the last thing i should i have done. what i thought was pulling her closer was pushing her away until the rubber band snapped. chalk it up to lessons learned. i guess when you haven't had much experience in the old breakup-comeonback game, its really easy to do the wrong thing. after reading all these things from a woman's point of view, i thought, wouldn't it be nice if when a relationship ends - and there is still a possiblity of getting back together, wouldn't it be great if the woman handed the guy 'these rules' and said - READ IT, FOLLOW IT. instead of us guys flopping around like a walrus [50 first dates joke] and digging a deeper hole! think of all the time saved from grief and frustration. my advice to all the gals out there that are about to or just have decided to end things - if you think you might change yer mind, give the poor sucker the 'rule book' - if you are 100% sure you will never go back - just sit back and watch the freak show! LOL.

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Two weeks ago my Wife told me she was going threw with the divorce, probaly brought on by me being pressuring!


Back off, quit pressuring, actually do the 180's, don't file for divorce. Suck it up, "Man-uo" deal with it. You've got to live in the "long-term" Sometimes, Life is can be lived in a second ~ but seldom for most is it lived in a day!


She's seeing that your chaning, maturing, learing, and growing from the experience through your actions, and it is your actions not your words that will seize the day.

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Back off, quit pressuring, actually do the 180's, don't file for divorce. Suck it up, "Man-uo" deal with it. You've got to live in the "long-term" Sometimes, Life is can be lived in a second ~ but seldom for most is it lived in a day!


She's seeing that your chaning, maturing, learing, and growing from the experience through your actions, and it is your actions not your words that will seize the day.[/quot]




I never thought the words of a marine would bring a tear to my eye, but hell alot of things do now a days. Thank you so much you have no idea how much you have helped. you led me to books you led me to info you gave me advise.


Thank You all, I know that in the end no matter the outcome i'll be Okay



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Don't file cuz it's not what you want. When and if you get to the point where you're tired of the bs, then file. Otherwise, stick it out for now. As far as her filing, let her...just make sure you cover your own azz in case it would get nasty. And remember this: anything you two do to each other in the D is going to affect your relationship down the road. You will never be completely free of each other due to your son. Keep it civil, keep it friendly, keep it even ~ there are a lot of birthdays, holidays, school activities, so on and so on that you will both need to work together on for all the years to come. The last thing you want is to not be able to be in the same room together.


You're doing good with changing the subject and not contacting her; letting her come to you. She doesn't hate you or can't stand to be around you ~ obvious cuz if I needed to do laundry the last place I would go to would be the X's ~ I'd wash them in the sink and put them on the roof to dry before I'd do that!!


You're still letting your frustrations get the best of you, and that is hurting you ~ it does nothing to her except keep her at arms length. You really need to learn to relax and start enjoying your life, have fun again, get a grip. You are puting on a good show to her but I bet she can sense the underlying tension, frustration and anger you have at the situation. She will never fully trust that you've changed just by words ~ actions! actions! actions! Actions scream out at you, even subconsciously. You need to show her you've changed but you need to be real about it, not put on an act.


She sounds really confused about the whole issue. She seems to want to believe you but is scared to. She jumps back and forth on one day she's thinking about you two, the next you're history. That means she's wavering and could topple either direction. You're actions right now will send her one way or the other.


You need to take her word on this Brian only being a friend. If you concentrate on if he's more it will completely drive you nuts, get you so jealous you'll see red, and that's what she'll see too. And besides, if you do get back together, you don't need the was he....? 's on your mind.


Pull back and re-group. Normally I'd say to tell her to stay away, but in your case I would think she needs to see the efforts that you're making. Keep everything light and friendly ~ but not overly chatty. If she stops by to do laundry, let her come to you to talk ~ just like you did. Don't stand in the doorway moping and hope she'll look your way. Get busy doing something ~ and not just sitting on the couch. Last thing: whatever you do, don't date!! She will be history if you do.

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Pull back and re-group. Normally I'd say to tell her to stay away, but in your case I would think she needs to see the efforts that you're making. Keep everything light and friendly ~ but not overly chatty. If she stops by to do laundry, let her come to you to talk ~ just like you did. Don't stand in the doorway moping and hope she'll look your way. Get busy doing something ~ and not just sitting on the couch. Last thing: whatever you do, don't date!! She will be history if you do.



Thank You Lor

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My friend, you messed up but not that bad. She is looking for reasons to leave. She may regret them and probably will some day. In my country we say "the Baobab's water must be found"


I think you say, One can lead a man to water but cannot force him to drink.


Show her the truth and pray to God she will follow it.

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The Wife is insain, I think. She is still very kind to me and says she enjoys me being around (when its conveinent for her). She made a couple of comments. She had said


when I asked her "what the biggest reason for her not working in our marraige?"


Her Responce Was " The Other Guy!" .


The following day I asked her about it and she said "it was that is what I wanted to hear."


Then just last week she talking about us moving to Oragon some 2500 miles away from Michigan and our familys. So I aked her why? she said "it would be good for our family"


I asked if "she thought Our Marraige could work if we stayed in Mich."


she said "It would be harder because she is to easily influenced"


Two days later she changed her mind and didn't want to move and said she was wrong about wanting to work things out! I mentioned her saying that she was easily influenced.


She got upset and said "I can come up with my own thoughts you know!"


Now she is going to quit her job and go to school full time!!


She makes sure she drops hints now That she is not wanting to work it out but still wants to be friends and help each other out! Even though she knows that I already know all of this!!


I really getting to the point I would just like wash my hands of her and move on it would be so much easier. But reality says that is not what I want. I would like to have my wife back who even though has always simular to how she is now (Wishy Washy). At least then she loved me and wanted us to work out.


The bottom line is the other guy has alot more influence on her now than what I do! And all I can do is pray she see's Our marraige is more important!


In light of things I'm becoming more and more at peace about things and the direction they may be heading. I still show as much love as she allows I am never pushy so at least she is comfortable around me, We horse around a littel bit (not to much just kinda fun pushing and stand up wrestling.) I'm starting to look at her as a friend so it doesn't bother me so much when she comments on us not working. I'm also looking to the Lord for help and I thing that is were the peace of mind is coming from, I no longer have any control of this and have given it to God. Though I do pray that He see fit our Marraige Last. But I'm Okay with the outcome.


I do ask all who have followed my story in the past months if you are a spiritual person, That you could please pray for my family and me.

MySelf: Chad

MyWife: Nickole

MySon: Zachary


Thank you all so much for your support and kindness,



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I think you should try and send her some flowers or something??

Tell her that you cant stand to be away from her and tell her that you were trying to get to her..


I was in the same situtation..I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years and he told me he had sex with someone else...I was crying for like a week straight.


In the end everything worked out..


But send her flowers with a poem on the inside and tell her how much you love her..

If that doesnt work after sending flowers and if she doesnt start to call you then stop all contact with her and she will call you within 2 weeks and she will want to talk things over...


My boyfriend gave me the silent treatment when I was single and wanted him back and it killed me on the inside sooo bad..


We are now together and its going on 3 years and 4 months!!!


I hope everything works out for the best.




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I went throuhg this 16 years ago.


What you should do is tell your wife you love her, send her flowers, give her recogniziation that she's you first true love, give her 90 days! And then move on!

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I went throuhg this 16 years ago.


What you should do is tell your wife you love her, send her flowers, give her recogniziation that she's you first true love, give her 90 days! And then move on!



I will do that!!! , in fact i feel I'm ready to move on its been over 4 months now of course the fisrt 3 were a complete disaster as far as all that goes. But it is my marraige and my Sons Future, whats another 90 days? Just more time to get my thoughts together;)

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I will do that!!! , in fact i feel I'm ready to move on its been over 4 months now of course the fisrt 3 were a complete disaster as far as all that goes. But it is my marraige and my Sons Future, whats another 90 days? Just more time to get my thoughts together;)


Yup what is another 90 days..


I going on about 8 months now.... and my DW is actually showing something of a little change... When I call to talk to our boys... she actually sounds happy to hear me... and she has just recently started to forward me funnies via email.... I don't read into this to much.... but it is a noticable change in what has been going on in my stich....


Point being here is this.... it can take longer than 90 days...


In my stich.... I will be able to go to my death bed and look into our boys eyes and know I did everything I could possibly do... to keep our family together... I never gave up on them or their mother....


Thought I would chime in here:p


BTW... flower thingy is worth a shot... apparently the ladies like those things...:confused: ...... Ohhh now I get it:laugh: ...... Wish I had known about LS years ago:mad: ....



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Yup what is another 90 days..


I going on about 8 months now.... and my DW is actually showing something of a little change... When I call to talk to our boys... she actually sounds happy to hear me... and she has just recently started to forward me funnies via email.... I don't read into this to much.... but it is a noticable change in what has been going on in my stich....


Point being here is this.... it can take longer than 90 days...


In my stich.... I will be able to go to my death bed and look into our boys eyes and know I did everything I could possibly do... to keep our family together... I never gave up on them or their mother....


Thought I would chime in here:p


BTW... flower thingy is worth a shot... apparently the ladies like those things...:confused: ...... Ohhh now I get it:laugh: ...... Wish I had known about LS years ago:mad: ....





I've sent her flowers now in several differnt occations, I'm not sure if I should to be honest. I told her my love for her without pressure, and that i'm willing to wait for her. But she has another man not as a boyfriend (yet) but as support and strenght to continue on her path. I've began to get very resentful lately but I'm not showing her this side. 8 months is a long time and I only hope that I can keep it up. I also need to know that no matter what I've not given up on my Wife or my Son.


I just do not want t o let the resentment and pain guide me to foolishly move on like I've allowed it to in the past


Like she says, "she has heard everything I have to say" I'm like a broken record when it comes down to it, I repeat the same things over and over. I need a new script LOL

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I've sent her flowers now in several differnt occations, I'm not sure if I should to be honest. I told her my love for her without pressure, and that i'm willing to wait for her. But she has another man not as a boyfriend (yet) but as support and strenght to continue on her path. I've began to get very resentful lately but I'm not showing her this side. 8 months is a long time and I only hope that I can keep it up. I also need to know that no matter what I've not given up on my Wife or my Son.


I just do not want t o let the resentment and pain guide me to foolishly move on like I've allowed it to in the past


Like she says, "she has heard everything I have to say" I'm like a broken record when it comes down to it, I repeat the same things over and over. I need a new script LOL


Look at what you wrote.. and what your W has said to you... inside that is your answer.. do a 180'... stop doing the things you know you should not be doing...


By sending her flowers..on several occassions... and being a broken record... Its pursuring behaviour.... I once read... when you persist... they will resist!


Get on with your life... get your self in a great frame of mind... make your self happy:) .... get a constructive hobby... read stuff... learn.. grow...


Get a life... ;)


I was a mess in the begining of my stich... now I followed the above... I now feel in a better place... I am having a life... No I don't go out and party and pick up the ladies... don't need that scene in my life... been there... seen it... done it. I do other things for me... and when I can do stuff for my boys... :)


It all comes down to you... do what works... don't do what don't! Another thing I read once.. If you want to change your life.. change things in your life... Maybe its time to do that? BTW.. all of what I am saying is based on your last post.. quoted above;)


Think about it.


I do commend you for not giving up... but as I have hinted above... change your "game plan"...


All the best


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I agree with ilmw, do what works and not what doesn't work, and if sending the flowers, and beating your chest, crying out your un-dying love for the DW doesn't work, isn't working ~ then quit doing it.


The simple cold hearted truth of the matter is that if she's not come back in eight month, the prospects of that happening grow dimmer with each passing day. Its time to come up with a new game plan ~ for you and your life. In short its time to make a move.


If you fear something ~ the thing to do is to embrace it. Come to know it, understand it inside and out, topside to bottom. This all stops the minute you make up your mind and you tell her and yourself ~ I've had enough.


What's good for goose is good for the gander? Well that door swings both ways. You've nothing else to lose, and if you've already lost her, then you can't lose her twice ~ now can you. You can't lose something that you've already lost.


The thing is that while you may have already lost her ~ she's not lost you, and she knows that. I'd quit showing her all of this attention, and being there for her emotionally, etc. She doesn't want you? You sound like a broken record? She's got a close male friend who's "there" for her? She's not interested in nor buying what you've got to offer? When it comes to her, you're out of gas?


I'd been making me, myself, and I scarce. Next time I see her, I'd give her a roll of quarters, and when she asked what they were for ~ I'd tell her for the laundrymat, because I couldn't handle being used for the washer and dryer. And, then I'd go and fine me some new friends to mark time with ~ female friends! (You don't have to sleep with them, and its easy to slide into the friend mode.)


Get mad? Probally? Might even get down right PO! That would be a good sign, because if she didn't get PO'd, she's beyond caring, and your toast anyway. If she doesn't get PO'd she's just using you, mentally, emotionally, financially, whatever.


If she does get PO'd then you know. And, you just tell her, that this has been going on for eight months too long, and its either time to get back together or move on. This limbo ~ this Twlight Zone isn't getting it, life's to short, and the time to get "real" about you life is right here and now. Yea, you screwed up flirting with other women, but that's all it was, (Right?) And, that's all water over the damn and under the bridge and there's no getting it back. If that's the worse you've ever done in life and in your marriage ~ you're way ahead of the game! (BTW, its time to quit beating yourself up over that)


Eight months? Bro you've paid your pentence, and you've said your "Hail Mary's Full of Grace" She's either A. Banging this friend of hers, B. Has moved on without banging this guy, C. Is making you squirm. My vote is on C. Either way, its time to move on with your life.


I'm all about trying to life a righteous life, and doing the right thing. I'm all about integrity, honesty, morality, code of honor ~ but this "Death Before Dishonor" BS is just that BS.


You were the best husband that you knew how to be at the time, and no doubt you would have been a better husband if you had gone through this before you got with the current wife, and there's no doubt in my military brain housing group that you're going to come out of this a better man and a better husband.


In the end, all that she's accomplishing from all of this, all ilmw's wife is accomplishing from all of this, all my XW accomplished was to put us through a whole lot of Hell, Hate, and Discontent, to force us to change, and to become better men, better fathers, better husbands for someone else, while they run off looking for the perfect "man" when they created the one they're looking for when they left our azz!


Let's say it end in divorce. The next gal that comes along is gong to be like "Where have you been all of my life?" Well, I hate to get my azz handed to me, get drug through the mud, the blood, and beer, and manure! And, heart broken and cry my damn eyes out, before I became the person that I am today. So you've got my XW to thank for where I'm at and who I am today.

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Thanks again guys I'm ready to move on I actually went to the court house and got all The info needed. Told her to file the paper work and get the ball rolling. of course I'm not looking over Reconciling but I'm not putting myself on hold anymore either. I love the Wife and absoluting adore my Son and wouldn't mind if my marraige worked out either!!

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If she does get PO'd then you know. And, you just tell her, that this has been going on for eight months too long, and its either time to get back together or move on. This limbo ~ this Twlight Zone isn't getting it, life's to short, and the time to get "real" about you life is right here and now. Yea, you screwed up flirting with other women, but that's all it was, (Right?) And, that's all water over the damn and under the bridge and there's no getting it back. If that's the worse you've ever done in life and in your marriage ~ you're way ahead of the game! (BTW, its time to quit beating yourself up over that)


Eight months? Bro you've paid your pentence, and you've said your "Hail Mary's Full of Grace" She's either A. Banging this friend of hers, B. Has moved on without banging this guy, C. Is making you squirm. My vote is on C. Either way, its time to move on with your life.




The 8 month thing was a responce to il's comments, Mine has been going on for 4 1/2 months the first 1 1/2 I was stubborn and didn't want to care cause she she moved out so "Screw her" I said. And from that She said she emotionally detached herself from me!! . I say Bull**** " She emotionally attached herself to someone else!!"


Oh and yeah It was just flirting with others!! (still not right, even though obvious to me now, she was doing the same thing, funny thing Hypocrites!! )


Ah well Life is Life:rolleyes:

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How many Men on here who's wife left/or leaving have left to another Man?

Did you give up on her at that point?

Did/is her relationship last/ing?

Would you give her A chance after she spread her wings?


Also How can I get a background Check On new guys family (Brother and Sister in law) my wife said that the brother was disabled and lives with New guy along with Sister in law. She said he always carries a 45 and is always talking about killing people. I do Not want my Son around that crap, Some one with Exsperance give me some guidence!

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dr strangelove

She has to see you anyways. So quit with the flowers n crap.


I remember how many times my ex said thats it im gone..you wont hear from me again


Ok bye


and she popped up.


Mind you it has been a while lately, but she could pop up anytime.


Yours has to see you, you have a kid.

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She has to see you anyways. So quit with the flowers n crap.


I remember how many times my ex said thats it im gone..you wont hear from me again


Ok bye


and she popped up.


Mind you it has been a while lately, but she could pop up anytime.


Yours has to see you, you have a kid.


just becaue she sees me doen't meen nothing, I want her to be able to see me as her husband again. But You are absolutly Right!! Just so ya all know I'm not getting all emotional right now just know what I want and what I don't want. But please every continue to give me your imput.


Thank You

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How many Men on here who's wife left/or leaving have left to another Man?

Did you give up on her at that point?

Did/is her relationship last/ing?

Would you give her A chance after she spread her wings?


Also How can I get a background Check On new guys family (Brother and Sister in law) my wife said that the brother was disabled and lives with New guy along with Sister in law. She said he always carries a 45 and is always talking about killing people. I do Not want my Son around that crap, Some one with Exsperance give me some guidence!


Regarding the background checks... I think you can google it.. I am pretty sure... you can do this kind of thing in the US over the net... but not 100%...


If you have concerns for the safety for your kids... (Damn man) do something about it... I'd have her arse in court if she was exposing my kids to that...Crap... (she told you this... Geeezz... maybe you should be recording this crap... in case you need it for court....??)


All I will say now is this.... I feel for yeah... it can't be easy... dealing with that crap too....


Keep posting ....:)

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Regarding the background checks... I think you can google it.. I am pretty sure... you can do this kind of thing in the US over the net... but not 100%...


If you have concerns for the safety for your kids... (Damn man) do something about it... I'd have her arse in court if she was exposing my kids to that...Crap... (she told you this... Geeezz... maybe you should be recording this crap... in case you need it for court....??)


All I will say now is this.... I feel for yeah... it can't be easy... dealing with that crap too....


Keep posting ....:)


I used the word crap allot in that post...:laugh:

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As far as the background check, its fairly easy to do over the internet, just Goggle "Background Check", and you'lll get a whole bunch of links. They range anywhere from about $20 to $100 or more depending upon how in depth you want to get with it. For instance if you're just looking for an old friend. $20 will get you phone numbers and addresses. $100 get you credit and crimininal background check of public records.


You'll have to check you state laws, they vary from state to state, but you can record (in some states ~ such as Alabama) a phone call you're having with another person, without informing the other person. There's any number of ways for you to do this. Some phone allow you to recall the conversation to the phone answering machine. Another way is to go to Radio Shack and pick up a Adams Cup (suction cup) mic that attaches to the hearing end of a phone and has a jack that can be plugged into a microcassette recorder or a digitial recorder.


Adding up the variables, and they're all the same and all different at the same time for each individual case, but the chances of reconcilation depend upon which "stage" you're at with possible reconcilation occuring at any and all stages.


If you're still living in the same house and still haveing sex ~ Outstanding


If the OP (Other person) has moved out, but you're still having sex ~ Excellent


If the OP has moved out, and you're still not having sex, but are still communicating ~ Possibility


If the OP has moved out and you're not still having sex ~ and you're not communicating ~ Poor


If the OP has moved out and you're not still having sex ~ and you're not communicating ~ and the OP is marking time with someone else .............the only difference between your situation and the Titatic is the Titantic has a band while she went under.


If your in your 20 to early 30's and the SO and you aren't having sex, then she's banging someone else gong. Either that, are you need to buy stock in Durcell Batteries.


A significant part of sex for women ~ isn't the actual act itself, but the emotional intimacy that they derive from the actual physical act. For most men ~ sex is expressed and experienced on just one level ~ the phyiscal plane. But for many women its expressed and expereinced on the physical plane, the mental plane, and most imporatant of all the emotional plane ~ which is the reason many women can't sleep with a man if there's not any "chemistry" there. This is the reason a woman having an emotional affair ~ is not the same as a man having just an emotional affair. To the woman "emotion" carries with it much more currencey than the actual act. Most women (about 60%) cannot climax through vaginal stimulation alone. (Primarlly because most men are such lousy lovers, with sloppy technique, and simply don't know how to take their time. If done properly from petting ~ to heavy petting ~ to actually making love should average at least an hour on average ~ if done properly with the woman's need in mind and taken into consideration. Without getting to graphic it involves one step forward, and two steps back, repeat over and over. Building passion and being passionate.


Giving you the benefit of my years and experience, the best thing you could do is simply move on ~ when you're emotinally and psychologically read, and are in a different place than you were four months ago when you initally posted.


I've been following this since your intial post ~ and what landed you in this mess to begin with was your "flirting" with other women ~ which mean you've got the basic mechanics of interacting with women down. That is to say, finding someone else isn't the problem. And, I believe I've posted that the time, effort, energy, money invested in getting this one back ~ would net you ten others.


The simple truth of the matter is that the DW hasn't anything more to offer you than any other woman. Women know this. Fact of the matter is, that anything that you DW has to offer you, you can find just as good as if not better, just as much as if not more, than the DW has to offer.


Having so-called "arrived" at a place where I've been striving to get and be all of my life ~ I look at women in a different light now than I did when I was in my twenties. My attitude now is what have you got to offer me besides your body, a car load of youngin's by another man, a drawer full of bills, and a $6.50 hour job working at McDonalds.


I'd take a 5, 6 or 7 with a good attitude, a good job, and good income over a 10 anyday. Even more so if she's crazy about me, and thinks I'm the greatest thing since store bought butter and sliced bread. (Dated I know but if you've ever had to make your own bread and butter ~ you'd understand what a chore it is ~ I've done both)

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She came buy to get our son today at 12:00 noon, he was sleepy so instead of loading him up and taling him with her. She layed down on my couch with him, later he got down and wanted me to hold him, She curled up on the otherend of the couch and asked for a pair of socks cause her feet were cold. I told her she could go lay in the My bedroom, because zacha nd I were watching cartoon. she said okay and crashed in My bed, later Zachary wanted to laydown for a nap, I took him in with her and layed him down with her. I then took a nap on the couch!!!! But she didn't leave here untill About 6:00pm. She started horsing around with me a little, but then stopped after a few minutes!! She confuses the hell outta me, but I know she's afruit loop!!


In just the short time i've been dating 15 years since age 14, ha I laugh at myself. I dated gorgeous girls and not so gorgeous girls. the problem I've found no matter What they are it still hurts like hell when they split on ya!!


My Grandfather always said " Chad find a woman who loves you more than you love her, it makes it easier when they leave ya!! He also says its not the Woman that bothers Us it is the rejection that comes along with her leaving our silly asses!! Fair enough He's on his fourth marriage just remarried 2 years ago and he just turned 80. I said Grandpa what are you doing you've only known this woman for 6 months. He said " Chad When I get married I put 500 dollars in the bank for a divorce, If it becomes inconvent for me I divorce!!


Gotta Love Gramps!!


You all take care, Oh Gun we haven't had sex in two months, but she made sure to let me know how much she had been using the Vibe I bought for Her for her B-day a couple years ago.......??????? I only thing I know for sure she is 100% confused and messed up!!! Still love her, but almost welcome the fact she's leaving. I just have to remember all the dumb stuff she'd start fights over!!!

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