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Separated Soon To Be Divorced

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I don't know why, But today was a tough day. I guess the reason why, I had dreams of my wife last night. They were good dreams of us back to gether, knowing what happened in the past,and we were putting the past behind us. The dreams were so vivid that when I woke up I felt some sort of happiness. I don't know what this means.

I told my step daughter who has been staying at my house for the past week with her husband & daughter about them. She asked if they were good dreams or bad dreams. I told her that all of them have been good.

Does anyone know what this could be. I have heard that dreams can mean many things & that they are some sort of a doorway to the subconcious. I don't really know, I hope I'm not loosing it.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Thanks, FP


Dreams can be just dreams, I would continue just moving on. If I were you, I wouldn't tell anymore of those dreams to the children, it may play with their emotions unintentionally of course. Your wife has already made her decision. I'm not trying to rain on your parade at all, so please don't think that I am. As you know the devil can play with peoples minds, and he don't care who, how, or what he has to use to do it.:eek:

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Gunny, You always seem to have a answer for all my questions.

You are a wealth of knowledge. I have enjoyed all of your comments on my f*****D UP DILEMA.

I had a dream about my wife before I knew about the affair. She was riding in a big white car with an older man with white hair, A rich man as I remember.

But to find out she was with a much younger man W/ blond hair & driving a chevy blazier.

I don't know how this dream happened but it's end result was true.



That may be HER perception of the affair, like OM can do no wrong!:sick:

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I had such horrible dreams the first 6 months. I would have dreams where I'd wake up in the dream from a nightmare and be so happy that my husband was home like normal and the whole divorce thing was just a nightmare, only then to really wake up and realize that my life really was a nightmare. It was pure hell! It took a while for those dreams to go away until one dream i introduced my husband as my exh to my friends. I guess the subconscious couldnt understand what was going on until that moment.

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Dreams can be just dreams, I would continue just moving on. If I were you, I wouldn't tell anymore of those dreams to the children, it may play with their emotions unintentionally of course. Your wife has already made her decision. I'm not trying to rain on your parade at all, so please don't think that I am. As you know the devil can play with peoples minds, and he don't care who, how, or what he has to use to do it.:eek:


Hey sup, Your right about telling my step-daughter about that dream. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I know my wife has made her decision & she will have to live with it for now. She has invited her family over for dinner tonight, Nobody really wants to go because the OM might be there. He hasn't earned anyones respect thats for sure!!!

My other s.daughter said that he hasn't left for a week ,but only to go to work. She is somewhat confused, because mom told her that she was tired of him always being up her *ss & that she needs her own time because she is so busy. Sounds to me that she is being manipulated..... Hell I don't know......Should I really care et this point?


And to you Gunny, You didn't cause me any pain. My wife & I have done all that work on our own....

Your a good man,you know I'm struggling & I believe you have your moments too, according to your last thread. I have enjoyed reading your posts. You tell it the way that it is, No sugar coating. (It is what it is).

Thanks everyone, everything will be O.K.

Take care, FP.

Oh buy the way Gunny, what happened to your leg?

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Hey sup, Your right about telling my step-daughter about that dream. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I know my wife has made her decision & she will have to live with it for now. She has invited her family over for dinner tonight, Nobody really wants to go because the OM might be there. He hasn't earned anyones respect thats for sure!!!

My other s.daughter said that he hasn't left for a week ,but only to go to work. She is somewhat confused, because mom told her that she was tired of him always being up her *ss & that she needs her own time because she is so busy. Sounds to me that she is being manipulated..... Hell I don't know......Should I really care et this point?


And to you Gunny, You didn't cause me any pain. My wife & I have done all that work on our own....

Your a good man,you know I'm struggling & I believe you have your moments too, according to your last thread. I have enjoyed reading your posts. You tell it the way that it is, No sugar coating. (It is what it is).

Thanks everyone, everything will be O.K.

Take care, FP.

Oh buy the way Gunny, what happened to your leg?



HMMM..... Manipulated? Maybe you shouldn't care for her, she got what she wanted, but her children, perhaps..... I wonder if there are ANY wants for this guy, I mean, has he been in trouble before? Could he be a sex offender? I don't say this to scare you, but, maybe you should find out a little more about this guy. Perhaps the police may have more on him, other than that I don't know. Anyone else got ANY ideas?

In reguards to her family, that says a LOT! Even they don't want OM around. VERY strange indeed!:eek:

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HMMM..... Manipulated? Maybe you shouldn't care for her, she got what she wanted, but her children, perhaps..... I wonder if there are ANY wants for this guy, I mean, has he been in trouble before? Could he be a sex offender? I don't say this to scare you, but, maybe you should find out a little more about this guy. Perhaps the police may have more on him, other than that I don't know. Anyone else got ANY ideas?

In reguards to her family, that says a LOT! Even they don't want OM around. VERY strange indeed!:eek:


Sup, I don't know how to put this, but it has crossed my mind. I'll tell you why.

When my wife first introduced him to the kids, they met for lunch. My daughter wanted boneless chicken, they didn't have that and this guy commented to my stepdaughter"what you don't like a bone in your mouth" My daughter was very offended at this remark.

Then one day she had his cell phone that looked just like our son's. She looked at the pictures on the phone and noticed it was not my son's but the OM's . He was sending his friends pictures of his d*ck. t scared the crap out of her.I was very concerned , no I was quite pissed & told my wife about this & she just laughed it off & said" they do stuff like that to each other. He's an idiot"

My son inlaw & I are the only ones who seem to notice this . I really haven't said a whole lot to anyone else because I don't want to be wrong and cause alot of trouble.

I have not thought about this lately untill you brought it up. Now you have rekindled this fear that maybe there is something to be conserned about.

I don't really know much about this guy but he is a srgt. in the army guard who claimes to have ranger mountain training, andvanced sniper training & all this combat training crap, is over weight, & somewhat fat' but a big S.O.B. from what I have heard. He ,I guess turned the army down for some military duty that they needed him for.There is an 18 yr old daughter living in that house & I would hate to think that he would do harm, but this world is full of bad people who do bad things.

I will keep a close eye on this & get as much info on this guy as I can.

Sup, I hope we're wrong but I can't take any chances.

I don't know, but things just do not add up with this guy.Very strange indeed!!!

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In so far as she, herself goes ~ she's made her bed ~ I'd let her sleep in it even if she's made it with a mattress full on rocks. All in all I believe that you should just forget about her, beause that seems to be what she's doing. After all that she's put you through I'd be hung and damend before I took her back.


She's probally in a re-bound, trainsitionary relationship, because she was with this guy before the papers even got signed, let alone the ink being dried. Those type of relationships have about as much a chance as three legged cat amongst a pack of hungry hounds.


Moving on to this guy, guys that are grunts, Ranger trained, and that have gone through sniper school, and moutain warefare school even if NG




1. Let themsleves go ~ its a matter of personal pride to get and stay in shape.


2. Dont talk (let alone brag) about their training, their accomplishments, achievements and what they've been through except to others that have been through the same thing. You've just about can't get them to talk about it at all. Just as you can't get someone that's never been in combat to discuss it with someone that's never been nor seen combat. There's several reasons for this ~ one there's no mutual point of reference, by which the other person can relate to. There's no point in talking nor bragging about it, simply because actions speak louder than words. And, then while much of the training is just good old common sense, alot of it isn't intuative, in fact it is counter-intutative. The quick explanation of this is that is not natuaral for a man to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, nor rappel hundreds of feet down a mountain where you're looking down at the top of forty foot trees down below.


Its been my general experince that guys like this that talk the talk ~ don't walk the walk. More akin to the truth he was a truck driver, a cook, or a Remington Raider (admin~clerk)


Finally, guys that have been through the kind of training and schooling that he says he's been through ~ don't refuse orders. The Army just court maritialed a member of the 82nd Airborne. His being a member of the 82nd Airborne doesn't make him a die hard, ground pounding grunt (infrantryman ~ triggerpuller) the 82nd has cooks, bakers and candlestick makers alone with medics, admin types, supply types etc. Being a member of the 82nd doesn't make him a Billy Badazz.


(Not to offend anyone) but then he says he was in the ANG, which as a carrer Marine doesn't impress me the least. The ANG just doesn't get the training and the money they need to be an effective fighting force.


So my flares and red flags are already popping up ~ on this guy. Then you add in the bit about the "tha bone" and the pictures of the his privates. Granted it was his phone ~ but can't those bad boys be locked to prevent anyone but the owner using them.


Look what two consenting adults do is they're business. I don't care if you're a into having group sex with clowns and dancing bears. If that's your thing, and everyone is on-board. and a consenting adult ~ have at it in the privacy of your own home. But when you've got young impressionable children around ~ you need to handle your business privately without the kids knowing about it.


The fact that the children are on board with all of this ~ are calling you Dad, spending time at your place, (away from this guy and Mom) and same said Mom calling him an idiot,....................the NG smack talking about being some Billy BadAzz.....................isn't adding up in this Marine Gunny's military mind. From the way this guys talking about his military experiences, has got red-flags popping up all over the place.


I'd Goggle the Department of Justice's Sexual Offender's database and run his name across their search engine for starters. Then if you're so inclined I'd drop a $150 and see what comes back on some of the other search engines related to background searches.


Something not right about this guy.


Let me put it to you this way. If he's been to sniper school, and if he's been to mountain warfare (its not called survival ~ its called warfare) school (red-flag) and if he's been to Ranger School, he comes off talking and walking more like I do. He calls it like he sees it, he's confident, self assured, and doesn't give a damn if the Sun doesn't shine tomorrow. He doesn't give a damn about creature comforts, and material things. Everything is utilitarian. He doesn't give a damn about impressing anyone. He doesn't need anyone's validation nor approval. This isn't the guy.


He barely talks the talk, but he sure as Hell doesn't walk the walk. I'd pull his punk card in less than a minute. I had some POS, talking smack to me about being a "ex" Marine, (Marines never refer to themselves as "ex" Marines ~ "Once a Marine ~ Always a Marine), and then he excused himself and said, "I've got to go to the latrine." (Marines don't use the word "latrine" ~ its an Army term. Marines say, ----!)


As far as the STBX goes, you gave her some of the best years of your life, you gave her your time, you took her and her children in off of the street, took them in as your own ~ still do. You've given her your time, you've given her your money in the ten's of thousands. You've busted your ass, to become a successful business owner (miracle of miracles ~ no small feat) And, her re-payment was to put to the pedal to the metal and burn rubber on your azz! You deserve better than this!


Its like I kept tryig to convince my XW, you've got to plan as though you're going to die tomorrow, but live forever. You can play now and pay later, or pay now and play later. Live life others don't, and later you can live like others don't!


The investment of time, effort, energy, scarifice I made in my youth is paying off in spades now. Its gravy, nothing but pure gravy. I'm not where I want to be, need to be. But I've got everything that I need.


She could have had that to. She had her chance, and she blew it. Now, I'm very selevtive of what I've got to offer to who.

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Sup, I don't know how to put this, but it has crossed my mind. I'll tell you why.

When my wife first introduced him to the kids, they met for lunch. My daughter wanted boneless chicken, they didn't have that and this guy commented to my stepdaughter"what you don't like a bone in your mouth" My daughter was very offended at this remark.

Then one day she had his cell phone that looked just like our son's. She looked at the pictures on the phone and noticed it was not my son's but the OM's . He was sending his friends pictures of his d*ck. t scared the crap out of her.I was very concerned , no I was quite pissed & told my wife about this & she just laughed it off & said" they do stuff like that to each other. He's an idiot"

My son inlaw & I are the only ones who seem to notice this . I really haven't said a whole lot to anyone else because I don't want to be wrong and cause alot of trouble.

I have not thought about this lately untill you brought it up. Now you have rekindled this fear that maybe there is something to be conserned about.

I don't really know much about this guy but he is a srgt. in the army guard who claimes to have ranger mountain training, andvanced sniper training & all this combat training crap, is over weight, & somewhat fat' but a big S.O.B. from what I have heard. He ,I guess turned the army down for some military duty that they needed him for.There is an 18 yr old daughter living in that house & I would hate to think that he would do harm, but this world is full of bad people who do bad things.

I will keep a close eye on this & get as much info on this guy as I can.

Sup, I hope we're wrong but I can't take any chances.

I don't know, but things just do not add up with this guy.Very strange indeed!!!





Just make sure you get all the info legally. I scanned a little of Gunny's post, yeah, do what he says. Your wife made her bed, now SHE has to lie in it, but, her children DON'T!. Gunny, I sure wish that you would/could give this guy a meeting of the minds LOL, you seem to know alot. My father was in the military, kinda reminds me of that. Thanks for the info. Sorry FP for scaring ya, but, you gotta help those children, because she wont, she sounds like she's the typical "he can do no wrong" RRRRIIIIIIGGGGHHTTT!!!!!!

Please let us know if you find anything, but before that happens, if it's big enough, inform the police! You'll know if it is.

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Moving on to this guy, guys that are grunts, Ranger trained, and that have gone through sniper school, and moutain warefare school even if NG




1. Let themsleves go ~ its a matter of personal pride to get and stay in shape.


2. Dont talk (let alone brag) about their training, their accomplishments, achievements and what they've been through except to others that have been through the same thing. You've just about can't get them to talk about it at all. Just as you can't get someone that's never been in combat to discuss it with someone that's never been nor seen combat. There's several reasons for this ~ one there's no mutual point of reference, by which the other person can relate to. There's no point in talking nor bragging about it, simply because actions speak louder than words. And, then while much of the training is just good old common sense, alot of it isn't intuative, in fact it is counter-intutative. The quick explanation of this is that is not natuaral for a man to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, nor rappel hundreds of feet down a mountain where you're looking down at the top of forty foot trees down below.


Its been my general experince that guys like this that talk the talk ~ don't walk the walk. More akin to the truth he was a truck driver, a cook, or a Remington Raider (admin~clerk)


Finally, guys that have been through the kind of training and schooling that he says he's been through ~ don't refuse orders. The Army just court maritialed a member of the 82nd Airborne. His being a member of the 82nd Airborne doesn't make him a die hard, ground pounding grunt (infrantryman ~ triggerpuller) the 82nd has cooks, bakers and candlestick makers alone with medics, admin types, supply types etc. Being a member of the 82nd doesn't make him a Billy Badazz.


(Not to offend anyone) but then he says he was in the ANG, which as a carrer Marine doesn't impress me the least. The ANG just doesn't get the training and the money they need to be an effective fighting force.


So my flares and red flags are already popping up ~ on this guy. Then you add in the bit about the "tha bone" and the pictures of the his privates. Granted it was his phone ~ but can't those bad boys be locked to prevent anyone but the owner using them. .


I was going to pretty much say the same thing... but not knowing how the US Military Reserves/Guard works... felt I should keep my opionion to my self....Now that Gunny opened up the can, the worms are coming out...


What Gunny said about the OM rings so true.... I thought he sounded like he was talking a bunch of cr*p! I too have met guys from SF (British) SAS..also one realy scary guy from the RM SBS... Guys who get to this level of Professionalism do not talk about there achievements... its not in the mental makeup...


They are sellected for many reasons...physical...mental (smarts).. and the ability to keep their mouths shut... I will hazard a guess and say the US Military would follow the same guidelines for sellection... Also...in my experience with reserve forces...(British/Canadian)...The are not in the environment 24/7... they are not sharpe as knives... they are slack in comparison... because once it Sunday night its back to the real world...:laugh:


Further more...Well this is or should be a question... because I am not an authority on the US Military... they send NGs men on Ranger Courses??? Wow your Gov'tn has money to burn.:)



Sounds like your W's Weekend Warrior is Full of Sh*t! He probably throws on some Surplus camo's that have an old Ranger patch on them... went and played paint ball... now he thinks he is Ranger qualified and a super sneaky sniper scout. Probably saw the movie "Sniper".. gets he lines from it... It is probably still in his VCR..:laugh:


As for your concerns with your kids.... If you have concerns... real concerns... DO Something about them!!! Be sure though that they are real concerns and not your mind making up things.... I know what that is like:(


BTW... I hope my little rant in some way made you feel better;) I never met the OM... and I don't even like him:lmao: :lmao: ! Hate Bull sh%ters:mad:



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I'm fairly certain and would be willing to put money on it that this guy's not the real McCoy, but another Rambo wannabe.


For someone that's been to sniper and Ranger School it would almost be an insult for them to go from that to the National Guard, to the point of being embarrsing. Hell, I wouldn't join the National Guard ~ although I do know of some older former Marines that have as a way back to active duty since 9/11 ~ and they hate it and are literally embarsed by it.

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I'm fairly certain and would be willing to put money on it that this guy's not the real McCoy, but another Rambo wannabe.


For someone that's been to sniper and Ranger School it would almost be an insult for them to go from that to the National Guard, to the point of being embarrsing. Hell, I wouldn't join the National Guard ~ although I do know of some older former Marines that have as a way back to active duty since 9/11 ~ and they hate it and are literally embarsed by it.


I wonder if I should bring this to the xwife's attention or let her find out what a flake he really is....over & out....

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I wonder if I should bring this to the xwife's attention or let her find out what a flake he really is....over & out....


Do you really think she'd listent to a word you say about this guy?

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Do you really think she'd listent to a word you say about this guy?


I would say not,I guess some things may be better left for her to find out on her own.

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So, how's the research going?


Well Sup, I don't even know his last name. I wanted to know as little as possible about this guy in fear of doing something stoopid that I might regret. There is someone checking on that for me now though.

Thanks for asking!

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We would be celebrating our 12 yr anniversary this Saturday, the 21st. I have a date with a friend from a long time ago. I'm not sure how it will go. I told my friend about it so there will be no supprises, I want to be honest about this, I still have some feelings for my XW & probibly always will.

We went out during high school, that was a long time ago. I know I don't want to stay alone at home, so we will go out for dinner & maybe have a few drinks & play it by ear from there.

I will not call my wife or send a card, TheChris's thread would not recomend such a move. & I have to agree! But I will truley miss her during that day..

I would give anything for the family to be as one.

Wish me luck......FP

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In all fairness, I did some checking with two buddies of mine ~ both who are reitred National Guard, and they both said that on rare occassion they would run across some guy that had been to Ranger school ~ sniper school back when they initally went into the active duty army, and then got out (in that they were on active duty for 3 + years or more) and then got out and joined the National Guard.


And, they both said that they never heard of anyone who wenet strictly National Guard going to Ranger School or Sniper School. Most National Guardsmen these days are strictly support troops, and not trigger pullers. That is to say they're truck drivers, mechanics, etc.

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In all fairness, I did some checking with two buddies of mine ~ both who are reitred National Guard, and they both said that on rare occassion they would run across some guy that had been to Ranger school ~ sniper school back when they initally went into the active duty army, and then got out (in that they were on active duty for 3 + years or more) and then got out and joined the National Guard.


And, they both said that they never heard of anyone who wenet strictly National Guard going to Ranger School or Sniper School. Most National Guardsmen these days are strictly support troops, and not trigger pullers. That is to say they're truck drivers, mechanics, etc.


Oh you mean REMFs....:lmao:;)

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Oh you mean REMFs....:lmao:;)


ROTFLMAO! :lmao: :lmao:


Yea! In the rear with the gear! Living the life of Riley! :mad:

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ROTFLMAO! :lmao: :lmao:


Yea! In the rear with the gear! Living the life of Riley! :mad:



So.... Gunny, you're saying that this guy is full of crap!?:sick:

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So.... Gunny, you're saying that this guy is full of crap!?:sick:


Its not just Gunny saying it...:lmao: :lmao: ;)


There's an old line from the movie..Full Metal Jacket... "You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk" ...sounds familiar here..:cool:

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Its not just Gunny saying it...:lmao: :lmao: ;)


There's an old line from the movie..Full Metal Jacket... "You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk" ...sounds familiar here..:cool:

Yep, my son inlaw knows a guy who is retired Navy and right away he thought the same thing. OM is F.O.S., I guess he put that stuff on his resume that my wife wrote for him.

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