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So, iam thinking about dating this guy that i really like now.

But, my best guy friend says he likes this girl and the way he decribes her and what he says about her..iam starting to think..i kno it's me.

And iam very sure. I like him and all..but just as a friend, the thing is i dont want to hurt him and i want to and am giving him the same advice i would give to him from other girls he wanted to date. But this time..i dont want to tell him to entirely go for it, becuz it's me and i dont want to date him..i just like him as a friend. And he knows that i might be hooking up with this guy i like now. But i dont think he cares.


Then there is this other guy..that i used to like along time ago..his names mike. And mike has become good friends with my best guy friend and everyone said that mike liked me but he was one of those guys that liked u but he wouldnt date becuz he thinks it'll kill his ''coolness'' streak. The thing is everywhere i go mike is always there. He yells to me all the time when i see him and when him and i are together, he drives me soo crazy!!! that we fight and argue. Mostly about me dating another guy. He tells me i should stay single. Then the thing is my best guy friend and mike now are talkin about me, and mike is saying to my friend that he should stay away from me and that he should go for someone else. And mike ruins everything for me becuz he always gets in my way when i try and date another guy.


Tho, when i liked him he wouldnt date me...and right now i really like this other guy that i might be dating soon. So how do i tell my best friend i kno he likes me and lket him down easily..and survive this arrogant jerk of a guy mike?


This has been going on ever since me and mike met. Which is over 3 years now! I kno that alittle part of me still likes him..wayyyyy deep down..but i kno that he'll never say anything to me and that he is just a player.

And i kno i want this other guy anyways. But what if mike ruins it for me again and talks to this guy i like and then me and this other guy dont get to have a chance?


And will mike ruin my friendship with my best friend?

I dont understand why mike is doing this...when is it going to end?




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