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What the??

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Brief story . Liked this guy for a long time - are pretty good friends. He found out a while ago that I liked him (i told him- whoops!). Yeah he really backed off emotionally for months and months. He didn't feel the same way. he avoided situations where he might have to stay overnight at my house etc etc. (reckoned he was doing it for my sake which i suppose is fair enough).


Then we went out for breakfast last weekend and I casually dropped in that I wasn't attracted to him anymore and I don't feel the same as I used to. He didn't really make any comment - we just started talking about something else.


So two hours ago he calls me (this is the second time today) saying that this band we want to see is playing down the gold coast and do i want to go with these friends of ours (they are a lesbian couple) (not really relevant i know...) and the plan is they are getting a room together and do i want to go and we'll get our own room as well! So its like a mini holiday.


So my question is- WTF?????


is he just relieved that i don't have feelings for him and everything can be hunky dory or is he trying to STIR up interest in me for his own ego??????

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Well , it can be either of the two. if you dont have feelings for him & you want a holiday n hang out with them , then go. otherwise , dont :)

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Sounds like he is relieved.


But did he actually say a room for the two of you? If you go, you will find out what the truth is. Do you still like him?

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yes he actually said a room for the two of us. As for my feelings- mmm i don't know- i think i told him the truth- i have sort of lost my feelings because i had waited for so long for him to like me back. And since that day at breakfast he is phoning me more- for this and for that. It kind of makes me mad if he is trying to get my attention for the sake of it.

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It kind of makes me mad if he is trying to get my attention for the sake of it.


Maybe he just thinks that now you can be friends again.


......I wasn't attracted to him anymore and I don't feel the same as I used to.


Are you sure about that?

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It kind of makes me mad if he is trying to get my attention for the sake of it.
Right! this could be it also. It's more fun for him if you're hot for him.
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yesterday we were doing his tax return on the computer and i was sort of doing it for him because i knew the program - and i'm going thru the questions and one of them was "Do you want to claim the baby bonus?"

($4000 that you get from the govt here if you have a baby). He said yeah- and i said yeah so would I.. then he goes well we better start gettin at it then hey?.. and i was like WTF- yeah i know it was a joke - but he's always sworn black and blue that nothing is ever going to happen between us- that he's not attracted to me. I've known him for ages but for the first time he took me aback and i was embarrassed. I know it was a joke but is he trying to tell me something??

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if he has a good sense of humor , then it mostly a joke .... if he doesnt, then there might be something , dig deeper to find out ;)

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