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Are second chances real?

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Ok so heres my situation: I really like this girl, we go to school together and we're pretty good friends. I only started to like her the way I do this summer and I think I had her interest for the first half of the summer. But then I seemed to break the golden rule of manliness and I might have come off as a bit needy. I don't try to be but I think I have her at a point where she is annoyed with me and ignores my calls and avoids me on aim etc. Of course I haven't talked to her about how I feel yet and how she is dodging me but I wanted to know how to handle the situation.


Bottom line is I am willing to take my time this time around with her but my question is, is it possible to get a girl who probably is unnatracted to me back attracted to me? I'm carpooling to school with her and her younger brother next year and she hasn't found an excuse out of that yet so I think its gonna happen. So any advice on what I should do for the next 2 weeks of my summer left and then the time in the car with her every morning? You don't even know how much I would appreciate responses to this, seriously. Thanks everyone!

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OK, so it seems like she currently doesn't feel the same towards you that you feel about her. However, I think you should see how it goes with the whole carpooling thing this year. Carpooling every morning might possibly open up the doors for you two to get to know each other better than when you're chatting online or talking over the phone. Give it a chance that way and see how it goes. There really isn't a way to make someone like you. If you two spend all this time together and you still see that she isn't responding to you the way you want her to then it would be time to move on. If she likes you then she likes you but if she doesn't then you can never make her like you...no matter what you do. It's easier said than done but you shouldn't have to BEG someone to like you. Find someone who will appreciate you just the way you are. Good luck!

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There's certainly a chance she'll come around, but I don't think attraction, relationships, etc. should be so much work and frustration right off the bat. That's what marriage is for. :laugh: There are so many girls in the world. Why waste your time on someone who's ignoring you?

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