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im inlove with a friend who is..

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inlove with this other guy....i know she has feelings for me cuz i ask her would she ever consider me as a bf..she said yes. Her current boyfriend is an @-hole, his a playboy everyone knows he have another gf....my friend knows this as well but she is willing to accept it.


I dont know if i should start courting her...or support her with this a-hole....

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I would advice you to be supportive not of him, but of her.


If she knows how he is and is willing to accept it, then there is really nothing for you to do but wait it out and to be there if she does end up getting hurt by this guy.


If she she's you are there in her time of need, I am pretty sure she will be more greatful to you for that than if you hammer her with accusations.


You said she already knows, so I'm assuming that whatever you know, she knows as well. You can try to talk to her to give her another perspective (although it won't be as objective as it should be), but that's really it.


Be her friend and be there for her. I'm sure she'll catch the one really worth catching.

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i guess you are right!! but knowing that doesnt make things an easier! it sucks becuase you have to see them together and you cant really do anything...

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It's the whole "bad boy" routine that seems to work so well for many guys. They portray this image of danger and edginess, and for reasons I don't quite understand they have chicks flocking to them like flies to sh*t.


Take a look at any collection of biker dudes. They always have these babes hovering about, desperate for a little attention from some bearded, barrel-chested balloon-gut dude.


Best you can do is to be there for her when it all goes sour. But be very careful of getting slammed into the friend zone.

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you guys are right! unfortunetly i have been stuck at the friend zone a couple of times...me being the nicce guy and everything......the good part is that they come to me when the have problems and talk to me openly...or is that the bad part?...the sucky part is that you can never go past the friend zone.....

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