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Any tips on how to regain his friendship and trust again? Thanx

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would really appreciate any tips you can give me...thanks!


I broke up with my ex 2 months ago...and I regret it cuz I kinda wanna keep him a bit in my life...I would like to keep him as a friend...we didn't say we would do NC and when I sometimes (every 1 or 2 weeks) talk to him on MSN he answers back...if he would want to ignore me...I don't think he would answer...it's easy to act as if you're not there on these things...


We didn't talk for about a month (june to july)... we were mad at each other... because of everything that had happened...I haven't talked to him since last tuesday... It was the longest conversation he had since our break up and we didn't argue...he talked about his training, his next competition (swimmer)... and I talked about my new room I just finished decorating...


I had asked him about starting our friendship all over again and he told me that it's ok...we'll start talking again...but that doesn't mean he wanna get back together... so I told him that I don't know from who or were he got this "information" from (that I wanted to get back together with him) but I do not wanna get back together...just like him... which is not true...but I didn't want him thinking that I'm still not over him... it's coming thought... anyway... I told him that I just can't stand the fact that it's still a bit weird when we're around each other...


I don't understand why he keeps acting weird and kinda a bit mad even thought he said it is ok with him if we talk again... he wasn't mad when we left each other..then I got mad because he was ignoring me and we didn't say we were doing NC...we go into an argument... He told me it was stupid to act the way I did... that I was being mad for no reason... then he got mad...


When we broke up he even told me that we were going to see each other often because we have the same friends... and do our training at the same pool... Why is he still acting like he's mad??? :confused:



:o The truth is...I'm still thinking about him (friend or love I don't know but I wanna keep him in me life)... trying to regain the friendship we had before we started to go out with each other...we used to be friends... that's why I don't understand why he acts weird... I mean he said he didn't love me anymore and I told him I didn't either...(which is kinda true not all true...you know what I mean...)...I can act normal around him...why can't he act normal around me??? he has stayed friends with most of his exs...why not me??


Any tips on how to gain his trust and friendship again?? Thanx alot! :bunny:

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