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Seems to be the same with Everyone...I cheated on my BF with my ex and a Friend

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When I did it the first time, I was so worried about what might happen if he found out. So I just made my Ex and me keep it a secret because he also had a gf. I cannot seem to look at the relationship and see anything wrong execpt the fact that he is alway somewhere and I am never able to reach him. He's never off doing things with girls he just hangs around his guy friends. And I know he would never cheat on me. But I feel so empty. My Ex bf would call me ALL the time and we would have something to talk about all the time, no matter what it is. We would always find something. And now that I am with my new bf, the convorsation is dead...and I dont talk to him enough. And its already bad enough that he lives hours away.


I know it was rather rediculous to get into a long distance relationship, but at the time. It seemed right. Just tonight again, I cheated on him. SO im starting to think that not being able to see him enough is so hard. And I get majorly lonely. and i know thats not an excuse, and more of a whore-ish answer. But they make me feel more then what he does. Maybe its just a communication issue.


Im also still majorly in love with my ex bf, and we are still so close. I just had to get out of the relationship with him because....I was afraid, it was moving way to fast from me. and I didn't know how to stop it.


My Bf never comes to see me, and my ex would be here for me in a min. or less.

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Marcus as the Peanut

And I get majorly lonely. and i know thats not an excuse, and more of a whore-ish answer. But they make me feel more then what he does. Maybe its .


Read the next line you wrote!!


""Im also still majorly in love with my ex bf, and we are still so close"""



Can it be that you still are in love with someone else,And your current BF.


Dosent feel he gets 100% of you?Nowonder you two have comunication problems..you probobley have heard this befor but hree is a crowed.. thats probobly why your current relationship is what it is....

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Your current relationship, while might have been proclaimed as exclusive, has no elements of a serious, exclusive relationship. You are cheating on yourself when you're trying to be faithful to a guy you don't love with a guy you love.


If things were your way, you would be dating your ex. The current guy is being used by you to make you feel better, to make your ex interested in you, etc. Well someone has to serve that purpose once in a while. ;)


It may not be fair to your current boyfriend if he is in love with you. Technically it is cheating if he believes you're faithful and he's faithful to you.

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SO im starting to think that not being able to see him enough is so hard.


My Bf never comes to see me, and my ex would be here for me in a min. or less.


Your first point is not unique to you -- all girls, and smart boys, know that the dude who makes her feel the most (good or bad) is the one that counts.


However, your next comments indicates that what you are looking for in a b/f is an emotional crutch - someone who will be there at your whim. You're the one who decided to get into an LDR, so either decide to honor it, or let it go.


Lastly, you cheated with an ex, who is still in your life. You may be able to keep this secret from your LDR, but if the ex stays part of your life and has any interaction with people in your life, this will get out.

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