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When to call rules/etiquette?

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Ok, so here's the short version of the story...


I am getting a divorce its pretty new, papers were served this month, but I am soooo moving on :) no chance of going back I assure you of that....


A girl's got needs though..... I ran into an old boyfriend, it was soooo strange, like a weird intervention of fate or something, I had been searching for him online etc. and then by some twist i ran into him...... anywho he says we have to exchange phone numbers....so we do, he has mine i have his. He is not involved with anyone at the moment....so my question is when do I call? or don't I and wait for him?


I've been out of this for a long time and I am clueless as to how things go now.

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Call when you feel comfortable.


Playing infantile games like "always make the guy chase you" and "don't call until 3 days later" et cetera are for high-school kids who have got their craniums jammed up their proverbial sphincters.


Just go for it.

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If you are interested in having contact sooner than that, try tying a note to a rock and throwing it playfully through his window. Kind of in a flirtacious way.


You could also do late-night doorbell raids to get his attention. Just to let him know you're thinking about him. If nothing else, that should bring a smile to his face, and if you hide nearby in the bushes you might be able to see it.


I don't understand the need for rules like you're asking about. I just do what I want. If she doesn't like it, then I'm more than happy to untie her and let her go. As long as she keeps her trap shut.

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oh I'm not a newbie just neglected to sign in before. actually those posts were hilarious! I don't want to play games but I dont know, its all relatively new to me, and I am thinking I should tread lightly but fighting a full out sprint ;)


anywho eeeekkkkkkkk I guess I will call. eeeeekkkkkkk its been a LONG time since I had butterfly's in my stomach. FYI this is a first love first everything actually ;)

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but he didn't answer and I could hear his message but it wouldn't let me leave a voice mail, so I texted him this morning....heee heee heeee. he texted back and just said to call him back or what was my number....... i'll call him later (at work now). hee hee hee.


so my next question....how dangerous is this? I mean I am worried little about the fact that technically IF something happens I am cheating, CT is a no fault state, BUT I also don't want to give the soon to be ex any ammo. so I want to keep it private but am I putting myself in a vulnerable place? I am a little torn, this guy was ........... my high school sweet heart, my first love, he has always treated me well, is always happy to see me when we run into each other, he has sort of been the source by which all others were compared. we were young, too young, he went astray (I am willing to view that as immaturity, he was sorry, he told me the truth, he owned up to his mistake, afterall it was like 12 years ago, or something like that) but we have never been nasty or hateful to each other, we just both sort of new that the other was THAT person, that person that you always have a soft spot for, of course up until now I couldn't have been his friend, rather couldn't have built a relationship with him, the husband would not have approved and I knew that, but did I also do it because I knew I had to keep my distance?

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