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Is this a good sign?

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There is a girl who i work with who i really like and i think she likes me too but, because i am quite shy i am not sure about making a move. One of the many things she likes to do when i am around whether at work or outside work is to try and get one over on me, by trying to do things better than me even though she says she is not competitive.


Earlier this week she invited me to go to crazy golf with her and another girl from work. Much to my friends delight she won! In the pub afterwards ( we were all sober) most of the banter was between me and this girl, and i am sure our colleague felt a bit like a spare part. The next day me and my friend were chatting and i made a coment about her being competitive. Yet again she was adament that she is not a competitive person. However this time she said that I was the only person she was competitive against and she was not bothered that she had also beaten the other girl at golf.


Do you guys think it is good that i make her feel this way?

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