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Am I over reacting?


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My ex an I broke up because he needed space, I went no contact for a month and then he contacted me saying he wanted to work things out. He said once he lost me he realized he loved me. I came to find out during our time apart he went away for a weekend with another girl. He promised it was over and was never serious to begin with, just someone to divert his attention. We've been back together for about a month, everything was going okay after we had a few blowouts about our break up. Yesterday morning he calls to ask me if I would mind if he went away with his friend for a few days to his friend's summer house (Just the guys) I called him last night, and the phone went to voice mail. I didn't leave a message. He left this morning and the last time I spoke to him was yesterday at around 4pm. No goodbye, no text messages, nothing, I'm losing my mind. Am I over reacting?

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If he needed some space before, he probably still needs to be able to take time away from the relationship and do things on his own. That doesn't have to mean he's cheating - which I think you're worrying about - or that he loves you any less.


So, give him space. After a few days of grunting with the guys, he'll be looking forward to being in your arms again. Make sure he shaves first!


In the meantime, do your thing, have fun, get together with some girlfriends, and don't worry about it.

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Thanks norajane, i hope you're right, my anxiety is through the roof, and I'm having a tough time getting this whole situation out of my head. I'm not going to call him, because I don't want to appear needy or like a psycho, but I'm still questioning his intentions. Why wouldn't he call?

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Why wouldn't he call?


Cuz he's a guy. And now he's deep into guy mode with his buddies. Manly men don't call their girlfriends while out with other manly men...they would be mercilessly teased for being pussy-whipped.


He told you where he was going; last night he was probably busy packing and whatnot, and today he's on his way and at the summer house...swimming or whatever. He's not thinking that you're being anxious.

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