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She rejected and then....

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I was friends with a girl for around 3 months. I ended up developing feelings for her and last week I officially asked her out on a date. She said 'no' and that she only likes me as a friend. It was hard to hear that but I said 'fine' and started walking back.. While I was on my way home she gave me a call and said that she is so sorry about the whole thing. She said she likes to be with me and laughs a lot when she is with me but only appreciates having me as a friend. She also said 'please don't be angry with me, i hope there won't be any awkwardness when we meet tomorrow'.


I am actually confused about this behavior. Why does she have to call me after rejecting me? I have been turned down by women and some female friends before in my life but usually they just reject and leave the scene.


Now I am not trying to misinterpret this as she liking me... she already told 'no'. I just find this behavior to be strange and would like to know whether anybody else has experienced this.

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I have experienced the same thing with addition of her checking me out all the time. Very weird. I tried to ignore her for couple of weeks but two days ago when she was sent to help me with some chore, she engaged in a conversation with me. I didn't make nothing of it, just thought that we're friends and that's it. But later that day, I saw her walking into a room and she purposely stared at me again. So what I'm going to do, is to push deep down my feelings for her and just be a friend to her. I guess, you should do the same thing and maybe she will later fall in love with you. Or not :) But the trick is to ignore your feelings for her and just be yourself around her and have fun. That way you're not screwed up everytime you see her.

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I have experienced the same thing with addition of her checking me out all the time. Very weird. I tried to ignore her for couple of weeks but two days ago when she was sent to help me with some chore, she engaged in a conversation with me. I didn't make nothing of it, just thought that we're friends and that's it. But later that day, I saw her walking into a room and she purposely stared at me again. So what I'm going to do, is to push deep down my feelings for her and just be a friend to her. I guess, you should do the same thing and maybe she will later fall in love with you. Or not :) But the trick is to ignore your feelings for her and just be yourself around her and have fun. That way you're not screwed up everytime you see her.


So what happened in your case? Do you think she likes you?


If they like why would they reject in the first place?

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She might reject you as a romantic interest but still care about your feelings, that's what it sounds like here.

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