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multi millionares who never went to HS -can u do it

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Hey if ur dad told you this what would u think: Look at Jim Pattison(rich guy in West Van), and chinese guy that owns Expo in Vancouver, and also other rich multi millionares who never or barely finished highschool , but now are multi millionares b/c they invented something or had a good idea.there is also the trash buster guys who invented trash busters and now are millionares .

if your dad told u this "hey joe look at Jim pattisoion he had no highschool look at him now hes so damn rich, and you Joe u have a college dilpoma, and ur workin for 10/hr at a call centre , why don;t u be like Jim pattision and the rest of the rich guy and try to invent somehitng rather than working 8 hrs a day for 10 a hr.


is it really that easy, my thinkin is its easier said than done what do u guys think. yea just go invent something or create it and sell it, and make mulit millions. yea they don;t even have degrees too -ye so why go to univeristy for what

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well that would be great if you invented something, but until you do, you will probably have to keep working 8hrs a day. maybe tell your dad that if he invented something and became a millionaire, and shared it with you, then you wouldnt have to do anything at all ;)

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Money doesn't buy happineness or contentment. Those who are very successful financially have a passion for what they do or create, and the universe falls into place for them too - a lot of folks have things happen for them to support their passion - things they have no control over, like being in the right place at the right time and meeting the right people who will help them. Others don't. Many people with a passsion achieve tremendous personal satisfaction and emotional wealth but don't have (or care about) the financial wealth that is so popularized. If you dad gets after you again ask him why he doesn't do it? There have been some older people who achieved $$ wealth in their later years too. Its not too late for him.

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I know a fellow who quit high school at the age of 17 to pursue his dream in the music business.


He's now a multi-millionaire, living a dream life in California, with a dream wife and a dream house and a dream career.


The difference between him and a lot of others was his determination. Nothing was going to get in the way of him; not multiple rejections, criticism, poverty or family pressures. He never, ever gave up.


Does that mean everyone can do it? Of course not. A vast majority of people who never finish high school end up on the bottom of the financial ladder. Stories like Pattison and my musician friend are the exception, not the rule.

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I wouldn't say there is a "RULE"..

I haven't heard many successful college stories lately. Many people who I've known who went to college either could not get a job or decided on a different path in which they went for another 3-4 years in a trade school or different college majoring something completely different than originally. Maybe it's best to learn about yourself first for a year or two and then when you decide what you want to do in life, go to college. Or read up in different fields first. Maybe general studies for a couple years would be best as well.

But it's pretty sad when a person who has a bachelors degree has to settle with such low pay; same pay as someone who never even went to college and just has some experience.

I can't say outsourcing and illegal immigrants taking up lots of jobs is helping either.



Someone who dropped out of h.s. and now owns an airlines.. I believe his name is richard branson owner of virgin airways. I think he is creating some sort of future suborbital trips too with another company of his.

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The number of multimillionaires who never attended high school is somewhere between slim and none.

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I don't know about skipping high school: but ultimately I could have definitely done without college. What a waste of my time and money.

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Joel, I work with a lot of millionaires and most either did not finish high school or only have a high school education. They range in age from 27 to 82 and the one thing that separates them from the rest of the wanna-be millionaires out there is that they love what they do and they do it 12+ hours a day 6 - 7 days a week. Sure they take the cool vacations and have all the toys they want (if they want) but the thing is that they did the work first and didn't get into what they are doing to become rich.


I met Mr. Pattison a few times, took a cruise on his yacht and went to a couple of his parties. He is ALL business ALL of the time. I'm sure he relaxes but I've never seen him really relax and not think about business. He's also confident, he's got the confidence man! One time it was raining cats and dogs in Vancouver and he forgot his overcoat--he borrowed one of the ladies long coats and went out in public wearing it without a second thought.


The thing I've noticed time and time again with college graduates is that they are afraid to take the chances that the high school grad is willing to take. They over analyze and by the time they convince themselves the opportunity is worth going for the window has closed. I'm sure there are exceptions to what I've seen but these are my personal observations.

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That sounds ghastly. You're born. You work. You die. Ugh.

But they *love* what they do so to them it isn't work. My point to Joel is that becoming rich isn't as easy as some might think. These guys are a different breed.

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