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well. i went to canda for a while and during that time my best friend spilt up with my other bect friend. after a while she had ben telling me all these people she had be hokking up with and i felt no jealusy. but tonught we went to a party and she got with this guy i totallly hate so i had to leave because my jealousy was rising so high i couldnt stand it and i was drunk and still asm slightly right now but, she sleeps around my house alot and comes and sees me. we even play fight and i have the best time with her ever that i could ever dream about and i love her to bits.


but recently when she came to visit me in canada my feeling have devolped slightly and i hate myslef for it because what we have going is amzinf and id hate to lose it. i think our relationship is tottaly plutonic but she has other good friends as well and she hugs them and like gets close to the, alot more then me. when they say good bye she hugs them ND NEVER HUGS ME? she tells me about the two guys she likes but shes knows she can never have them. she says were like brother and sister lol.



god i live her so much and i dont want our relationshoip to end and i know that it will last a lieftime as friends but i want to eb more and i dont know what to do?!?!?!?:love:

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i dont know what to do?!?!?!?


You could start by using the spell check. It's that small ABC above the check symbol in the top right hand corner of the message window.


Other than that, this:


she says we're like brother and sister,


pretty much says it all. She is not interested in anything more than a friendship.

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