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Friend-Zone or Not?


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Hiya, having only just descovered this site i was wondering if anyone would like to voice an opinion on the following.


I've been in University for a year now since last September and found it really difficult to start. Didn't know anyone really, had a few friends that had already started the year before.


But as it always works out you make a few friends. And i'd talked to a few of them and noticed a girl that always talked with them. I wasn't until just after the first exams we had finished that i had a chance to introduce myself.


And i managed to get her email. Which is good, because she is a very attractive lady thinks myself at this point. Having only chatted breifly i haven't really got a idea of her personality. So next thing is to chat more.

(Ok maybe a bit long on the back story... sorry)


Anyways turns out she has the most wonderful personality you could hope for, shes beautiful and funny and everything else. We quickly became friends, and have been for a while now.


Now in my opinion i'm not really a looker so i was amazed that she even bothers with me. But now we come across the problem.


It was her birthday, and i felt i had to get her something, so i asked her, what she would like. (Probably a bad idea i know). She says nothing as we have known each other for only months, so i agree.

But i couldn't just leave it be, not after asking her what she wanted. So i got something... which turned out to be a Gold, Sapphire bracelet... A tad expensive i know... But i believe i'm probably infactuated.:love: Anyways.


I asked her if i could see her after the exams one day, and was planning to give her the braclet. Now it went well at the start, she turned up with was nice, and we exchanged a few unimportant words. Basically said i felt i had to get something for her.


But she wouldn't take it. Now we haven't really talked much since, and i think i've probably annoyed her big time.


But its strange because, after i'd agreed that she doesn't have to take it she mummbles "Well maybe you can keep it..."


Then she asks "Do you want me to go?" I probably looked a bit upset at this point, i said "No its ok."


So we sat and talked a bit more, and there we a moment of eye-contact which seemed maybe a bit to long i dunno. Also she was kind of mimicing some of my motions, you know i leaned back a and she did the same.


Anyways, i'm feeling a bit low, its been a while since i've had any sort of conversation with her, she always says she is busy, or just checking her email. And last time i phoned she was just getting into work.


What i wanted to know anyways... is. Does anyone think she is Interested at all, or am i being a first rate idiot?



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