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Why do men cheat "laterally"


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Is that like cheating with someone that thinks outside the box?


Or is that outside the square?... I really wasn't paying that much attention in math class.

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Great.....the next one is going to be;


"Why do men cheat diagonally?"


*groan* cheating is cheating, no diagonally up, down, etc.


IMO, people cheat because they are selfish.


I mean what does it mean to cheat anyway? To break the rules to benefit oneself at the expense of and/or to the detriment of another.


Ipso Loquitor: Selfish

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Ha ha hahaha . Thank you . Me cheat latterally because they can't handle the pressure of going either up or down.

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Always assumed:


Men cheat "down" means OW on the bottom.


Men chest "up" means OW on top.


Men cheat "laterally" means both standing or laying side-by-side.


(Next thread: "Why do men cheat doggie-style?")



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well I know I said in the other threads me and my MM cheated sideways.


we did, we wouldn't risk it any other way, for any one else..I know this for both us.

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You mean, why not centrally, inside the family, like with your sister or daughter? (whatever is not "laterally") :laugh:


I agree you should keep the semen within the family, why spread it laterally? :lmao::bunny:

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You mean, why not centrally, inside the family, like with your sister or daughter? (whatever is not "laterally") :laugh:


I agree you should keep the semen within the family, why spread it laterally? :lmao::bunny:

Hmmm... Philly's not as far from West (by-gosh) Virginia as I thought it was. ;):lmao:

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